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Everything posted by villan-scott

  1. He's at Wolves v Blues today, straight to work. The standard is appalling!!
  2. Praying for a win and the gap to be cut to 5 points. If that's the case we are definitely in with a shout, as our form would be top 10, with plenty of points to play for.
  3. Judging by his comments on Twitter he would definitely consider signing a new deal should an offer arise. Hopefully this being made public will gee up the club to start negotiations.
  4. Back him back him back him!! It would be criminal to lose him.
  5. I agree. If we were to spend 21m on a striker, if hope it wasn't Berahino. My point was just on the sheer amount being spent.
  6. Stoke bidding £21m for Berahino, meanwhile at Villa... Not that in our current predicament I expect us to do that, just highlights what could have been.
  7. It's a shame it never worked out after the promising start. Good luck to him.
  8. Working from home with SSN on in the background And there's breaking news from Aston Villa... *turns up volume and perks up* Oh... Carry on as you were. Solid addition now for a keeper and a striker please Remi.
  9. Ahh had 6-8 in my mind, if it's 10 I better not get my hopes up anytime soon!!
  10. I was only thinking about him yesterday and how his recovery is going. It was New Years when he got injured, so 3 or 4 weeks in, hopefully not too far away now.
  11. I think he was standing in, as Baticle is his usual assistant. Whether we go for Baticle and the other chap again in the summer remains to be seen, and whether they'd want to come is another matter.
  12. At first glance I read it as Eirik Bakke!!
  13. Both Kozak and Ayew looked dead on their feet out there today.
  14. Incoming as Gardes assistant. Comes with a wealth of experience, seemingly hand picked by Garde. Let's see what he brings to the table. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/aston-villa/12117894/Remi-Garde-appoints-Eric-Black-as-his-new-assistant-manager-at-Aston-Villa.html
  15. Gardes choice according to Percy in the Telegraph, also Black is fluent in French from his time at Metz apparently and was 'headhunted' by Garde. I back him with this, he knows what he's doing. It'll help to further integrate the French contingent.
  16. Looked very tired and leggy to me today. The week between now and City will do him good. Hooefully we will have another striker in by next week!
  17. The 6 man panel clearly haven't seen the same YouTube compilation as us... i demand a recount!
  18. Sounds like a false narrative. They were honest from what I can gather. They've planned for going down, which you'd expect, but some take that as giving up.
  19. The lights are still on at BMH... For another 10 days or so yet.
  20. He's gone to be relegated in sunnier climes at Rayo Vallecano, on loan for the season.
  21. Scored a well taken goal tonight, deserved it after his improved displays recently.
  22. All of them... One handed, blindfolded.
  23. Watching that video I can conclude he loves a save for the camera, and he loves parrying the ball away as far as possible. Looks decent and quick. Highly likely to be an upgrade on Guzan.
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