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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. I personally believe Green is better than both of them. Possibly put together.
  2. Well to be fair, that is an impressive number of promotions and it was nearly one more last season. I agree though the style of play the majority of the time is horrendous, but then occasionally we'll absolutely outplay a team, which makes us wonder why we can't always play like that. Unfortunately for us and Bruce, we came up against a team that could play football in Fulham last season. Also, credit where credit is due, we are fourth in the table and are currently unbeaten. So sacking him without a concrete plan on who to replace him would be the stupidest thing we could do. If we go on a streak of loses though we might have to take the risk.
  3. Who cares about formation, this is total football!
  4. Possible the worst post I've ever read on any forum.
  5. When can he start? Guessing too late for today?
  6. A point was the very least we deserved from a dominant performance, hope we can play like that more consistently!
  7. We've been fantastic for the majority of this match. Let's not forget the player who's scored for them should've been sent off.
  8. Honest opinions, was Steer that bad?
  9. Doyle Hayes has been poor?! What on earth have you been smoking? Him and Andre have been my pick so far.
  10. First time in history? That can't be right can it?
  11. Haha anyone else see Brucie tearing Nursey a new one? Brilliant!
  12. The guy probably just wants to play football, can't blame him. Last chance for him really.
  13. We're trying to sign Joe Bryan not Luke Shaw.
  14. Let's give them a discount because they're building a new stadium.
  15. Can we all agree Steer was fantastic yesterday? I don't think he did anything particularly wrong for their goal, he came forward and punched clear as far as he could, the goal was a partial fluke nothing he could've done. But after that he made some blinding saves, kept us in it and essentially won us the match.
  16. The guy changes nationality if it suits him. I wouldn't rely on his loyalty to the club and get your hopes. He's no Le Tissier or Shearer.
  17. Came to say the same. So let's show some love for Wes!
  18. You know what? I've never actually looked at it like that before! Cheers for the insight!
  19. It's amazing the amount of times people have had to say what you just posted, it's like they never listen?
  20. I think the main issue was it became a thing, and teams would sense that and go for the kill and of course getting their rewards late on. Cost RDM his job and I think our chance to play in the prem.
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