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Everything posted by JPJCB

  1. While Everton are absolute dogshite, to an extent they are more likely to expose Torres’ weaknesses (physicality, aerial duels). It would have been interesting to see how he did for the full 90 had DCL stayed on. For those at the game, how did he fare while DCL was on the pitch? To an extent, I’m more worried about him against the likes of West Ham, Everton, forest than against arsenal, Brighton etc
  2. I reckon he’s gonna be our top scorer this year. You can see how hungry he is to score each game
  3. I’d go with: Martinez Konsa Pau Chambers Acuna (if signed) Kamara Tielemans Bailey Mcginn Watkins Zaniolo Retains a lot of core strength while rotating where we can reasonably do so without a drop in quality
  4. Just watching the MoTD highlights of their game against city yesterday. Foden got loads of joy dropping into central pockets of space between their midfield and back four. Makes me wonder how much more of a fight we would have have put up had Buendia or even Ramsey been fit since their game is somewhat similar- that was a big part of how we thumped them at VP. Instead we had Bailey and diaby- who like to stretch the play- and McGinn who likes to come toward the ball so didn’t really have that gameplan
  5. How is he not begging for a move to Saudi?! Surely it would be a dream ticket for him
  6. When is Pickford gonna get called out for his aggressive and dangerous attempts to play the man in one on one type situations? Destroyed van Dijk’s knee a couple of years ago and nearly did the same to Watkins last season(?) and nearly knocked his block off today. It’s his moronic starfish style attack leap which does it- I’ve not seen any other goalkeeper come close to injuring other players that badly
  7. “Oh crap! I shouldn’t have bet on my own game; Oh crap! I shouldn’t have made bets from a fake island; Oh crap, I certainly shouldn’t have made bets from a fake island in my own name!”
  8. Pretty terrible timing for the holte suite to be out of action
  9. You should send this to the FA as evidence
  10. Tbf I think the zouma example was used to demonstrate fans still remember things rather than the level of abuse he will get. There are a subset of folks out there who were genuinely angry/outraged at what zouma did as cat lovers (me included!) but it’s gonna be nothing compared to the anger people have around what greenwood did. Itll be interesting to see what happens. Maybe posters are right that he’ll just live with the abuse and things move on. But it wouldn’t surprise me if it does start to affect performances given the likely degree
  11. Comes across really well and impressive that his English is so good already
  12. Completely disagree. At the time he was roughly our second most expensive signjng ever after Buendia and was seen as a statement signing by the board (see purslows replacing grealish video. He was £10 million more than we got for Chuk. That’s right: we got good money for Chuk. He was £10 million less than Newcastle paid for Gordon. That’s right: he was an expensive signing as well. I don’t really see what these examples prove?
  13. Somebody earlier in the thread mentioned it was his other knee
  14. That’s fine though in the context of needing strength for more games because of Europe/cups. If we can’t play chambers against the likes of Hibs then his career is truly over
  15. I should really let this go, but the below quote from that thread is genuinely one of the most incoherent things I’ve ever read: “A team with such blatant tactical flaws will not make a dent in the Premier League this season when the quality is so high. They did last season because Villa have some top players that were badly mismanaged under Gerrard/other coaches + Emery is a good coach, but he ain't elite” To paraphrase: Emery’s villa won’t do well; well apart from last season where they did do well but that was only because we have good players and Gerrard is rubbish(?) and emery is quite good Ok then mate…
  16. I found that thread completely incoherent (maybe you can explain what it’s trying to say)! It mentions some tactical stuff which sort of makes sense (emery likes to play a high line but does so inconsistently; emery’s build up doesn’t work at times because he needs better players) but then fails to discuss why exactly villa did so well last year (if emery had been in place from day one we would have reached CL places) or why Emery is particularly successful in cups (some rubbish about moments of magic meaning that tactics aren’t as important- ok fine, but that doesn’t explain why emery is uniquely good in cup competitions). He then says that our signings this year are of CL quality but emery will hold us back. Hang on a minute- wasn’t the problem with our build up that we don’t have good enough players- surely buying better players solved that problem. He then goes on to say that emery ain’t an elite manager which just seems bonkers given emery’s record and that de zerbi is miles better despite the latter having never won a major competition. Im all for criticism of emery but it needs to have an ounce of coherence first
  17. The worse thing Ashley did was being from London. A cockney mafia is far worse than a Saudi one apparently
  18. Presumably emery played a high line with villareal where Torres was his best defender? I’m surprised people are so sceptical it can work without mings given its emery’s system
  19. As in Trezeguet? That’s a bit harsh- Trezeguet was genuinely very good off the ball and was excellent at pressing his opposition full back
  20. Signing Laporte would signal to me that we think mings’s career at villa is likely over. He’s far too good/expensive as a stop gap for a year and assuming mings returns to full fitness we’d then be absolutely stacked in CB with 6 players 5 of which would reasonably expect to be starters Having reflected, I’m not convinced we need another CB. Torres and Konsa should be good enough for the first team and Carlos and chambers can step in for cup games. If we have the £20m-£30m (or higher) which Laporte would cost available, we should be spending it on a new right back/a forward
  21. It’s insulting to el ghazi that he gets compared with Bailey. Anwar did far more for this club than Bailey has ever done
  22. We shouldn’t underestimate how up for that game Newcastle likely were given 1.) we smashed them a couple of months ago; 2.) we were better than them in pre season (and tonali in particular was embarrassed); 3.) there’s been a media narrative brewing that we’re the other top 6 pretender. They had all the ingredients there to be massively psyched up for the game. Now arguably we should have felt the same given beating Newcastle would have been a huge statement of intent. But the home advantage plus mings’ injury squashed our mentality
  23. This is very generous to your credit given the game but I’ll never be on board with this bit in bold as a villa fan. Much as they annoy me I’d far rather be a part of the top 4 with the likes of united and Liverpool, clubs with a platform based on genuine success and a large fan base over many years (much like villa historically) than the likes of Newcastle and city who are doing a smash and grab with oil/blood money
  24. I’d go Martinez Konsa* Carlos Pau Digne Kamara** Luiz mcginn Coutinho Diaby Watkins *main reason for shifting konsa to RB is to bring Carlos in for extra height against a dyche side **similar to the above, I’d keep kamara in for his height against Everton but otherwise his position should be seriously under threat now with tielemans
  25. Utd fans find him disappointing because he offers little going forward but he’s widely regarded as one of if not the best defensive right back in the league particularly in one on one situations so he’d suit the emery system perfectly
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