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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I mean numbers of players for each position. After Grealish our wing options are actually quite slim
  2. And yet if we went mental with spending we would be fined and sanctioned into non existence. So what's the difference. Can't we just get lawyers to pay off the decision makers like all the usual teams do?
  3. I assume either the government or chines mafia were actually the owners with Xia as the front
  4. Sadly nor a surprise. Many people had concern over Samuelson and Banfill at the time
  5. Why would we sell El Ghazi. Just from a numbers perspective that's madness
  6. Can we have double pivot bingo in any central midfield discussion.
  7. I spy the old left halfback in a nice pre 1900 2-3-5 Bold! Pongo would be proud
  8. Maybe one central midfielder coming in. I sense we are done going forwards, doesn't look like El Ghazi etc will be going.
  9. Well Watkins injured his groin and went off so I wouldn't be selling anyone
  10. I'm guessing a central midfield player. That's it, then a cheap backup CB. How much would Sven Botman cost?
  11. Oooh look at that double 8 pivot. That's it I'm off to play FIFA
  12. The main issue i still see Smith needing to resolve is the inability to retain possession and control of the ball, especially in midfield. The players that have been bought in mainly will not improve that except maybe Buendia. The central midfield give the ball away too cheaply, and for a while now we have been unable to control games when pressed, especially when we are in the lead. Games like Burnley last season being a perfect example. We will not compete with and beat the top 6-8 teams regularly until we can maintain possession and impart our ability on the opposition. We have attacking talent, but that is nullified if you cant get the ball to them in spaces where they can take defenders into areas they do not want to be in. Maybe Sanson can help, but he will be some way off full 90 min fitness for a while.
  13. When will he actually be coming here? I can't see him being ready to play for a few games into the season at least?
  14. I think there is some understandable belt tightening post covid. I think a CB and DM and that's it. Unless we decide to just ignore FFP like other teams do. They seem to get away with it.
  15. Nobody knows **** all about what we are doing with UK transfers. The only time there is really a major leak of info tends to be international transfers
  16. Agent Martinez on the blower already
  17. This surely can't be serious. Let's not be silly people!
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