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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I think he should just not bother as all we need to reply with is his words less than a year ago.
  2. But you can't because they just take our better players to push us back down again. If bailey has a good 2 seasons you know he's going for a start. It almost makes you not want to be happy for signing a player as you know if he is good he will go at the first chance he gets. What is the point? If we can't keep Grealish, with his supposed 'love' for villa we have literally no chance with anyone else do we?
  3. He said what he said less than a year ago. Either he is very thick, or genuinely is a piece of dirt. He didn't need to say all this my club bullshit yet he did, knowing he was planning to leave as soon as the right deal appeared. And again I was called melodramatic for saying this a few days ago. For all those that said I am how do you feel now? He's going. He has screwed us over by not agreeing until after playing his little fun games with shitty England and having a holiday.At least Delph was told to go by villa. This is far far worse. Now we have a hole to fill and will get crushed by inflated prices. Oh and now we can start thinking about who will be next. Konsa, Martinez, Watkins? Where will it end now we have shown we can't keep hold of players and improve a side. Frustrated doesn't even cut it
  4. Remember I said this would happen last week and got called melodramatic? Well well well....
  5. It's TIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMME For Grealish to Man City HERE WE GO And IT'S LIVE!
  6. So does anyone actually know when this apparent face to face meeting is to take place?
  7. He's not going to shit his fitness up. Players train with teams all the time before moving. That's not to say he may not stay either..
  8. It's the FFP glass ceiling that's to blame ultimately. The rules are there to stop us challenging. They don't want it to happen.
  9. The problem is it's not really comparable as a structure for the league.
  10. This wouldn't be a good move. It's a step back in quality
  11. Pray for @JAMAICAN-VILLAN He's going to need a drip installing. And a pallet of man sized Kleenex
  12. You are forgetting a key thing. With the exception of Leicester those teams had the benefit of champions League income before selling these players, we have never played in it. If we sell Grealish we get alot of money, but the values of replacements triple as a result. As we haven't got them in before selling. So FFP will screw us again. We can't get into Europe by selling our best players, and when we do sell we have to spend more then value to replace. Some are caught in an endless cycle. Yes Leicester were anomaly, which at best we can hope to replicate.
  13. So if Grealish leaves in a few days you will no longer feel the need to tell me to get a grip? If he doesn't leave then great. The fact remains about selling players when we are at our strongest and never being able to compete though. It's happened before, the cycle needs to end.
  14. Having wealthy owners hasn't been enough to keep Grealish. So what will change? I cannot see how we can push forwards selling our best players all the time. And no this isn't a dig at the owners they have been excellent. This isn't their choice. How are we supposed to get into the top 4 by weakening the team
  15. So you don't think the same will happen again next summer? Say Martinez, Konsa, Watkins etc? We are stuck in catch 22. We want to progress but hit a glass ceiling because anytime we get a decent player or two they get taken away and back down the league we go. It's happened numerous times, again are you denying any of what I said isn't true? Therefore what I have said isn't dramatic, just straight to the point and accurate. Sadly.
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