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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. How is our best player forcing a move good in any way? How am I being dramatic? Did he say those words? Yes he did. We know the club don't want to sell. So if he goes he has forced the move after what he said, a week before the season starts. Please tell me what's dramatic about that.
  2. Thanks for the well thought out reply. What exactly have I said that's offended you quite so much? Please explain.
  3. So much for his "my club" statement made when he signed a new contract 10 months ago.He really shouldn't have said that and now leave us up shit creek without a paddle with a week before the season starts.Nobody put a gun to his head and made him say that. So he is either a liar or very thick?I sense a tough few seasons ahead, probably a relegation battle. We can't adequately replace in this time frame, and we are going to be shafted financially with anyone we try and buy now. Worst case scenario all round. Next season it will be the same thing for probably Konsa, Martinez or Watkins..The hope of competing is gone as we have backed down. We are back to being cannon fodder yet again just like 2010.
  4. So it's resolved and we can move on. I missed out the key phrase, if he goes
  5. And therein lies the problem. Let's say we sign Bailey and he has 2 good seasons. He will gone. And it begins again and we are stuck in a loop of being a feeder club at best.
  6. One thing I don't get is why are we selling him so cheaply given the market cost of say, Kane?
  7. If he leaves it is down to Grealish and nobody else .the club clearly do not want to sell him. So all I am saying is I am not calling him a snake or a Judas, it's just highly dissapointing what he said 10 months ago, to now turn and do this. If he had an inkling he may leave he was better just saying "happy to have signed a new contract and look forward to next season generic shit. Nobody held a gun to his head and made him say what he did. You can't be called a legend after that..people really have low standards as to what a legend is these days if they still do should he leave.
  8. Yes, your point? If he goes do you agree? It's a simple question really.
  9. There is no "build" when at any point the best players will be cherry picked away and sold as they won't stay once a sky 6 wankfest team come calling.. We can't build by constantly selling the better players. We won't attract better players because we just sold the best one. We will forever be nothing but a stepping stone.
  10. If he leaves. He said what he said 10 months ago. It puts him in Delph like status for me.He didn't have to come out with all that "my club" hyperbole only 10 months later choose to leave.Hollow words if he does go. He's just another player at that point and his career is no interest to me. He made his choice and we move on.
  11. So I should still call him a legend 10 months after saying what he did? Don't think so.
  12. He offers nothing extra to the midfield.. neither good at attacking or defending. Only good at free kicks. And our main source of them is leaving. Marvellous!
  13. And people are happy for Grealish to leave? Ward Prowse is the best we can do to build a replacement team? Wow that smells of a bad season incoming
  14. We will never ever compete if this happens. Back to being midtable cannon fodder at best. As it was with Platt, Yorke, Milner etc. History keeps repeating itself.
  15. But history suggests this won't happen. We always go backwards every single time. I guess this time it might be different but all you can do is look at history to see how this goes?
  16. Anyone we bring in who is any good will leave anyway. Grealish going sets that standard so what does it actually matter. Next summer it will be Martinez or Konsa etc. And on we go. Never to challenge. The cycle repeats itself.
  17. Right and yet again we set the precedent of being bullied and selling the player..so if one of those youth players steps up.and reaches the same level, guess what happens. They get sold too. And again backwards we go. On and on and on. Platt, Yorke,Milner,Young, Barry, Grealish See: Carnrey, Louie Barry, Raikhy etc. What's the point
  18. I think people read too much into the kit things. If we see the decal of him and Smith at the North stand being taken down, that would be much more telling
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