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Everything posted by Jbvilla909

  1. Yup, rotten. Can't figure out what's gone in with this squad, but, whatever it is Smith doesn't seem to know how to rectify it.
  2. Out for the rest of the season with a headache....got it
  3. I haven't seen any of the pressers, what's up with Dougie ?
  4. Anwar masterclass incoming.....
  5. 1-1 I reckon, only one draw so far this season, due another
  6. Have to agree with @TrentVilla it looks and feels rotten. Like we've been here before with the end of Lambert days. RK and JT going in the summer we're massive red flags for me, it didn't feel right at all especially the timing of it all. I can't see Smith getting to Friday, don't see where the next result is coming from, form this calender year has been horrid.
  7. Be very surprised if he's still in charge by Wednesday, can't see the owners being to impressed with the start this season. The players look divided to. Massive shame, Deano took us from mid table in the championship to the prem and kept us here and really comes across as a bloody great bloke.
  8. Purlsow is leaving and taking Doris the tea lady with him
  9. With five defenders on the pitch no less
  10. 4-3-3 next game please and a million times more effort from the players. How professionals can excuse that first half yesterday, couldn't even pass five yards most of them. It's not just on Deano, but, ultimately he'll be gone if results and performances don't improve over the next few games
  11. Up there with some of the worse Bruce ball
  12. Rarely, but, that wasn't your intial question was it, it's happened before, doesn't mean it happens frequently
  13. Patchy start to the season to say the least, yesterday's game was an anomaly, they happen. Not sold on 5 at the back and when Bailey is fit I'd expect us to revert back to 4-3-3. Ings and Watkins partnership is gelling yet. If the owners expectations was European football this season, then I don't think Smith will be afforded much more time if results don't improve and consistent.
  14. Kid is a real talent, his goal last night was absolutely sublime.
  15. Just stop all training at this rate, our new state of the art multi million pound development centre is killing the squad
  16. All a bit of a mess really. Hope they are both on a plane back tonight.
  17. Think I've spent more time on the VP pitch than him
  18. I thought the same, stodd by the changing room calling them all a ****, bit extreme
  19. I'd like to think the players have remembered Terry's "lessons" and build on it this season
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