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Everything posted by Jbvilla909

  1. All their kits are dire, shocking if true
  2. I'll back him as we fans should do. Not the option I wanted us to go with but it is what it is.
  3. Gerrard really would be jobs for the boys. Celtic were in decline, Rangers have spent decent money since he went there to I believe. If he does come in, I obviously hope he does well, but is he really an upgrade on Smith ? Time would tell I guess
  4. Has his recruitment been any better than Suso's given the resources he's had available? Suso had to find pretty much a whole new squad after we got promoted
  5. Emery was a strange one, Newcastle pretty much announced it, then he pulled out. Wonder what the story was there? Maybe didn't like how they went to the press so early? Would be a good appointment I reckon
  6. Thanks for the memories Deano, what a ride it's been.
  7. No chance it'll be because of a single game result, check Percy's tweet for reference.
  8. F*** it, just give Zidnae all the money he wants. Sign Kroos in Jan to sort the midfield and away we go.....
  9. Really don't get the fascination with Potter and I can't see him leaving Brighton partway through the season either.
  10. Jokingly said this to some Arsenal mates of mine last night. Could be worse short term options
  11. Fraud of a player. Turns up every ten games
  12. Times up I'm afraid, thanks for getting us back in the prem and keeping us up, but, it's time for a change
  13. Zero f**** given then, he must know times up. Otherwise what's the excuse for not making any subs after that first half ?
  14. Yup, rotten. Can't figure out what's gone in with this squad, but, whatever it is Smith doesn't seem to know how to rectify it.
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