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Everything posted by est1874

  1. If he wants to leave at any point (now or summer or whenever), he'll have his suitors and we'll do a deal. We've made a history of opting to cash in, instead of holding a player to their contract when they're looking for a move. Versus, say, the likes of Spurs, who inexplicably manage to hold on to the likes of Kane and Son year after year.
  2. Didn't Friedel play for us and then Spurs well beyond 35?
  3. Not really. The age threshold for goalkeepers to peak is much higher than outfield, Emi is a physical specimen and could easily play another 10 years at the top level, so long as nothing untoward happens (fingers crossed). Buying him now will be a very expensive prospect for anyone. He should rightly cost as much or more as a young talent being purchased for their potential.
  4. It definitely hasn't landed then Is this what passes for comedy now? Christ
  5. Says a lot about a person that - when faced with all that's wrong with modern football - this is the "new law" they'd advocate for.
  6. That report can't be true surely. Wants a club with more history? Surely all we have is a fantastic history, one of the best in the game. Sounds to me like the media wanting to spread the message that we're small and shit and don't deserve world class talent. Just like they did when we had Jack, and he was shopped out to City and United by POS hacks in every single window.
  7. 10 year contract. Whatever he wants. Emi is not perfect but he is indispensable if we are to move forward.
  8. Ya I realise that and agree. But until he can replace essentially an entire defence and a couple of midfielders - given the urgent need for an attacker too - we are going to concede a huge amount of goals playing this way. It's a long term game for a short term loss scenario, but it'll be painful to watch for the reminder of this season at least.
  9. Really well worked goal from a set piece there. Great work from Dougie and Raikhy.
  10. Well, that was very poor. I'm going to drop a truism here and say that teams who can't play out from the back really shouldn't try to play out from the back.
  11. There's a shocking and colossal lack of football intelligence in the professional game right now. That's why teams like Villa need so much aggressive coaching from the sideline to stay alert, take up the correct position on the pitch, maintain a high press at the right times, etc. You look at the successful teams of the late 90s and there was more footballing intelligence than there was raw talent involved. Now, young players are being scouted mostly for their pace or other physical attributes such as height (if you're a defender) or strength, but footballing intelligence is barely being looked at, let alone prioritised.
  12. That's such a cursed image. Woodsman giving "I just sniffed your undies" there
  13. It's a horrible build. Needs a total overhaul, APIs and UI alike.
  14. Ah Tayls! I knew it wasn't Hendrie, not broad enough. Great to hear Tayls in the commentary 'box'
  15. Got sorted and joined the stream late - who's the brummie on co-comms?
  16. Anybody else trying and failing to donate / buy a match pass?
  17. Wouldn't want him back. He was very good for us and I was heartbroken when he left, for a host of reasons, but it's done. Time we started looking forward as a club, we spend far too long looking back. I get the reasons why, but we dwell there a lot. I'm excited to see who Unai brings in for us, and I don't think Grealish will be anywhere near that cohort.
  18. We'll have to if we want any real talent.
  19. They do send packs overseas, I had a couple to Dublin. However I can categorically say the service is appalling and it's one area of the club that really needs looked at and improved.
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