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Everything posted by est1874

  1. Posted an apology to his Instagram story, for those curious
  2. Some will be shocked to hear I've gone for Mings as my MOTM - he was calm and competent and did as much as he could do with all the pressure hoisted on his shoulders by our insistence on playing out from the back in every phase of possession. Thought he kept the defence cool and calm throughout, even when we were under the kosh. Largely positive performance from him in a field of (up to the 75th minute or so) shockers.
  3. Draw is about a fair result given how poorly we played, to a man, in the first half and start of the second. Thought Bailey and Buendia were absolutely woeful, but the former obviously stands out for that shocking miss. Even with all the pressure of the situation and the time on the clock - you can't miss those. You cannot. Anyone being paid millions to play football missing an open goal should be ashamed of themselves. **** hell what a disaster.
  4. Sorry but missing an open goal to win the game in the 94th minute? I never want to see Bailey in the starting XI again.
  5. Fortunately for us, 20 minutes is a long time in football Unfortunately for us, these players are about to make it feel like 60 minutes.
  6. He's like velcro versus armpit hair ......... ..... Utterly **** useless.
  7. Shame the rest of the team are like **** morons on the Bakerloo line. Could try some movement and position themselves elsewhere, but choose to stand inches away from someone who's about to pick their pocket.
  8. This lot are scum. Not that we didn't know that already
  9. But they can hear you boo? You're just talking cobblers now.
  10. You literally said you'd rather call the players names than boo.
  11. Managers trying to out-think each other here
  12. You're advocating verbal abuse over ambiguous booing? Wtf
  13. Not all booing is appropriate but you have to infer context sometimes. The fans are probably booing the cowardly officiating as we should be playing vs 10 by now.
  14. Jesus that was awful. Two things I'd like to know: How the **** have they not had a red card yet? How on earth is stoppage time calculated? +7 added in the last game for a handful of fouls, and here they had Matheus Nunes rolling around for 1 full minute on top of multiple fouls against us and we get +2 mins? Throw out the **** abacus, PGMOL.
  15. For all that Bailey gives us a moment of utter magic every 10 games or so, the rest of his play is pretty poor given the price tag and reputation.
  16. So does 75% of our defence.
  17. On loan. **** off Everton. Why are we treated so cheaply by other clubs? The amount of talent we're expected to just give away is mental. Ings for his faults is still worth close to £20m in this market, imagine sending him out on loan and leaving Watkins as our only striker... Daft.
  18. Extremely disappointed he's being sent out again instead of being given a chance as #3 striker. 2 is not enough to see out the season with, notwithstanding the fact that neither are good enough. We must be buying another forward...
  19. He did really well, credit where it's due, always. But can we not fall foul of the short-termism that we often succumb to, as we have also seen him play very badly. I would say there are signs that he is improving as a #2 with time, but he is not young, so there is no reason to just believe that this improvement will be linear and that he will continue to play like he did yesterday. I have seen enough of him to think that, so long as there is even a shred of doubt about Emi's long-term future, we should be looking to sign another goalkeeper. Not as a top priority, but somewhere in the mix. Hopefully we're keeping an eye out for opportunities that we might not have anticipated.
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