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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. As a much younger man finding his feet in my first flat when i used to spend every available penny I had going out i used to live Off a loaf of bread and instant gravy most weekdays
  2. And we had a nailed on penalty denied at the end
  3. This appears to be a more common phenomenon then I realised. My wife’s friend detests her as well. I’ve also found people who dislike Lulu often dislike Carol Vorderman as well( but not quite as much as Lulu)
  4. Lulu, Cannot stand the sight of her. No idea why or what caused it but it’s been part of my life for a good four decades. She does want to make me shout but in the wrong way
  5. Ice cold 660 ml bottles of San Miguel with Remy Martin champagne cognac chasers.
  6. Do not think so, when he was interviewed on the pitch after the play off final he said the manager, the captain (him) and the kit maker are all Villa fans etc. You never know but the lad is a Villan
  7. did they not recommend Hula Hoops be heated many moons ago
  8. It’s time to stand up #AVFC https://t.co/vkojyxFjaP
  9. If anyone wants a set of codes PM me as got one lot spare. Only fair way is first come first served and apologies the those who miss out
  10. You make a very valid point. I suppose after all the years of let down Last season made me happy, I loved the togetherness of the club, the support the management. Really do not want to go back to how it was after having a taste of what it means to be a villa supporter again, Not just for me but for my lads as well
  11. Some story that would be after the heroics of last season coming again and putting a similar shift in and keeping us up
  12. It is all getting rather exciting again. Cannot wait for it, my lads singing all day with a rendition of Allez Allez split between three bedrooms this morning with my eldest yippee I aing in the shower at the top of his voice about an hour ago. God knows what it will be like on Wednesday morning. COME ON YOU VILLA BOYS !!
  13. According to the BBC website he is fit and availableAccording to the BBC website he is fit and available
  14. Correct he’s going nowhere regardless of what division are in next season. If we can stay up I think you go on and become a management legend at Villa Park. I have never wanted anyone to succeed as much as him with the possible exception of Brian Little. He is a nice guy, he is one of us and I believe once he has found his feet he will achieve greatness in this division.
  15. If that is the case they will have to suspend FFP until crowds can return. It’s the only fair thing to do and if they do we will be fine
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