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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Watched this again recently, brilliant. Susan Random is in it as well
  2. Would not say underrated as has universal acclaim, great movie. He only wanted something to eat.....
  3. Love the bit when the ex SAS bloke gives the couple of skinheads a good flogging as they watch in the car wincing Allegedly a true story
  4. Lock Up - Stallone Set the bar as a prison flick Some great actors in it, Sonny Landham, Billy in Predator (that's my seat ace) Donald Sutherland as the evil sadistic Warden with a deep grudge (had the eclectic chair restored into full working order) is literally superb. 'This is hell and I'm going to give you the guided tour' Tom Sizemore as the scheming double-crossing Dallas who does the right thing after betraying Frank Leon (Stallone's character) Frank McRae as Eclipse, sure blocked a lot of light. Gentle giant and body man at the garage John Amos as Meizner - 'Two things, I am Meizner, don't **** with Meizner' Larry Romano as first base - he was just a kid, brutally murdered to crack Frank Jordan Lund as Manley - Evil guard in on the grudge with Drumgoole against Frank Totally underrated at the time and still now. “When we're in a sober mood, we worry, work and think. When we're in a drunken mood, we gamble, play and drink. But when our moods are over, when our time is come to pass, we hope they bury us upside down, so the warden can kiss our ass!”
  5. I remember that, sort of a modern day take on Rosemary’s Baby. Forgot all about it, Will give it another watch
  6. I was just wondering how the lad Archer might turn out in the lineup
  7. If you are serious (not sure) Big Sam would certainly get us more organised and a bit of route one is not a bad thing. Get the balls down the wing and over to the big bloke at the back stick. Fashionable, hell no but cutting out the midfield at the moment would help.
  8. Nah, he never had Youtube and or social media, he relied on reports from Alex for that type of stuff
  9. Old Zulu Warrior and Cage Fighter/nightclub bouncer back in the day but turned his life round and did a lot of good work for Birmingham and charity in later life. All over the Birmingham Mail
  10. One Eyed Baz Patterson brown bread, no age to go, not his greatest fan but did a lot of good work in his later life. RIP Big Fella
  11. Terrible decision, another one that benefits pulling it back 1/60 of a frame. It’s bent
  12. Sidenote, did not know Brian Blessed owned forest
  13. I’m starting a countdown from 1 million years from tomorrow.
  14. Plus the fact he’s not signing for us in a million years
  15. The truth of the matter is that he was never really a £100 million player. Maybe he was in value to us
  16. He has not shown to be better than digger Barnes or even Cliff yet. We need to see an extended run in the side to make any assumptions
  17. I would have him over Cortino every day of the week
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