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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Cheers Rob, was going to Arsenal Weds but a 9 hour round trip from where we are. Not bothering now, they wouldn’t come and see me if I was sick
  2. Had to drive to holiday after all of us watching this live, including the Mrs. Great start to the holiday and totally predictable after the first half created nothing, lost our shape when he took Luiz off piss off Gerrard
  3. The only thing worth a listen is the Franksie 2-6pm slot, Rigo going was the last straw with regards to football on WM
  4. I have no idea who these people are and no interest in finding out. What mother in their right mind calls their child Swarmz
  5. Sounds like Labour in the 70’s bar the EU and less strikes. As then it is time for a change of Government, let’s hope the next PM is as strong as the one whom came to power then and dug us out of the hole described.
  6. Milk, milk and more milk, just necked a ‘meat’ phall, bleeding stupid at my age
  7. And the effect it had on you? Sure there will be some excellent tales of woe and also a few mental challenges made in the minds of have a go eaters.
  8. Good to hear Albion Lee this afternoon, not a fan of Bruce, I’m telling you Darren
  9. He is not even a coach mate, he is a glorified DOF on 5 million big ones a year, he really is boiling my piss
  10. cast ye out scouse devil
  11. He is a glass half full type of a guy apparently Also believe that a club of their ‘size’ should aim for more than mid table in the championship As my mother in law says I believe he could well have been ‘drugging’ mate
  12. Yes, they have Bournemouth at home, massive
  13. Follyfoot

    The NSWE Board

    We are a shambles, please NSWE act now
  14. Maybe but at least they can drink in town town mate
  15. My missus says Lansbury but I see where she’s coming from. Oh to be the meat in the middle part of our current number eight and last number eight sandwich
  16. Are you saying we have the makings of a very good side?
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