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Everything posted by Rolta

  1. Look at Watford's strikers then look at ours. If we had Deeney and Welbeck in our squad we wouldn't be 19th right now.
  2. That team doesn't need gutting. Not at all. It needs development by adding in the right players. There's a core of players that will do well in the Championship that we can add to. And of course we'll add to them. If/When the inevitable happens, I don't feel we're in as bad a position as last time.
  3. I was saying this back in the day. Everyone was so sure he was better than Wesley. He might be OK if he had some more chances, but he's really barely done anything. Davis is so much better, but there's no point bringing him on now. Save him for Palace.
  4. I'll say something positive about him. Judging by Jota's appearance against Liverpool, he's better than Jota at least. That's all I have.
  5. The gap between us and the top teams now may be bigger than the equivalent back then I feel.
  6. Inspiring. OK Come on Norwich (vs. Watford). And then West Ham vs. Watford. And then everyone else vs. Watford.
  7. Bet it's literally a tweet. Or someone read a tweet and told him what was on the tweet. Or someone saw Purslow and Smith talking together on the TV and then told him. Apologies to avfc1982 but I think a lot of people have a bullshit alert when it comes to 'from what I gather...' type posts.
  8. Rolta

    Keinan Davis

    He's been under contract at a Championship club until this season and pretty much injured most of the time this season.
  9. Genuinely think he's looked the same before and the same after.
  10. British is the nationality for people from the UK—so he'd definitely be considered a British manager—unless he thought of himself as Irish and not British. Britain is doesn't exist unless you're saying Great Britain (the island itself), which is what you were saying, and being real casual so missing the first word.
  11. It depends if we have to buy an entire team or not, but we've all talked about that before and don't need to do it again. Anyway, the January transfer window in the Championship went pretty well.
  12. We wouldn't have to use all the same players. I believe there is a transfer window!
  13. This isn't a sign of bad positioning. If he was marking the winger all game it would be. The defence moves left or right depending where the play is and they try to minimise space between them. It's a fundamental of football. The alternative is to leave enormous gaps between your back four for players to run into and exploit. I'm genuinely confused by this comment.
  14. Presumably we don't want to replace our entire team again. Put it this way, replacing El Ghazi would be low in my list of priorities. But Trezeguet—I'd value him at about 500k, and think he'd start being effective at around League 1 level.
  15. El Ghazi is fine for the Championship if needs be. But the other two need replacing.
  16. I don't think he's quick at all. He's incredibly averagely paced, which is an enormous problem. He's quicker than Jota mind.
  17. I think he got injured a few times. Smith likes him and never fancied Kodjia, yet we saw Kodjia a lot.
  18. Rolta

    Keinan Davis

    Today's the day Keinan. You can do it. Time to arrive.
  19. They don't care because they know their supporters, the Brexiter cultists, can't admit to themselves that they truested genuine charlatans, so won't turn on them. If the Brexiters did their house of cards, their entire world perspective and their faith in the path they alone set the country on, would come tumbling down. I'm surprised there's any room on the beaches in the UK with the amount of people with their heads in the sand. Having people point out the lies just allows these idiots to play the victim. 'Oh you're attacking the government, etc. etc.'
  20. I think I'm right in saying he was injured the whole time pretty much except for the Wolves game.
  21. The idea that it's 'the left' who are criticising the government might be quite comforting to someone in denial that they put actual faith this group of jokers. It's not true though, but I guess you've got to tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to get you through your day.
  22. People said this about Milner, Young, Delph and Barry. All of them went on to win big things. They're not just leaving for the money.
  23. Rolta

    Keinan Davis

    You're onto something here.
  24. Rolta

    Kortney Hause

    For sure. Same goes for when Guilbert is back too. He's too lightweight for me.
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