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Everything posted by Steero113

  1. Well done big man, shithousery of the finest order.
  2. Enter Ramsey. He's the ball striker of the three. Although I seem to remember Dougie scoring a couple crackers from outside the box in his first season with us.
  3. Bar the Euro penalty miss (and the youth lol) you've just described Coutinho to a tee and most of our fans now want him gone after a year.
  4. There is nothing "free" about £500k a week wages.
  5. Pau Torres just showed Chambers exactly what to do under pressure there.
  6. Luiz Kamara double pivot is really f**king good.
  7. Miles off given the last few pages of comments on recovery time on here. He isn't near training with the first team, or even with a ball from any of the released media covering him recently. I'd say a February return at the earliest is the best we can hope for, but would be delighted to be proven wrong.
  8. In between the Traore's and the Cisse's I believe.
  9. I've spent some time looking at this and breaking down the numbers. I might be wrong but my spreadsheet output confirms that this is indeed..... one player..... that Chelsea are signing.
  10. He was decent against Chelsea, made a couple of very good saves and gathered well. Friendly though, so could be a temperament/confidence thing?
  11. Tends to be the smart deals that get the fans on forum boards moaning to be honest. They aren't "fashionable" signings, therefore they are generally mocked immediately. Look at the Dendoncker signing for example. Smart signing for the money, generally derided on here when the links appeared.
  12. Fixed this to make it more realistic should he win the world cup.
  13. He opted to spend another season with River iirc.
  14. My nan is mentally frail, she's 97. We're talking about an elite level sportsman who's been able to compete in the highest pressure environments that world sport can offer. Pull the other one. Just stop spouting hyperbolic rubbish and lets see how he does under an actual football manager.
  15. Nice solid bit of hyperbolism to start a Wednesday. I like it.
  16. Christ, you must be absolutely raging all the time with all of the injustice in the world.
  17. The overwhelming negative being that we had a cataclysmically s**t 'manager' for the first dozen games of the season.
  18. Surely a Romanian or Latvian bird would also do the trick?
  19. Peronally, thought Kane was fantastic against France (penalty spoon aside). And Senegal.
  20. And John McGinn on the Brian Butterfield diet plan
  21. Madueke has been injured for the entire season so far. Came back recently and scored a beauty off the bench within 15 mins of coming on.
  22. Also looked good against Norwich home and away, Everton at home, Man United away and Newcastle at home that season. Considering that's over 1/4 of the games he played for us in a new league and new country in a shit side I'd say he was actually doing pretty good. As you say, the mockery he gets on here from most is depressing considering what we had up front in the preceding 3 years to that (Tammy aside) and his injury since.
  23. The planning statement (which was granted) outlined a normal use schedule as well as an allowance for the odd community engagement activity.
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