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Everything posted by villanmac

  1. I love the kid too much to wait him to stay at this sh*tshow. Will kill me to see him in another club's shirt though.
  2. I say we all go down to the Winchester, have a pint and wait for all this to blow over.
  3. I couldn't even bear to go into that thread going on about how good the championship is. It's not fun when you catch yourselves in that wilderness where the Norwich's, Forests and Leeds are. It can be a long old hard season, watching average football in crowds of 23/24k fans with a squad of decent been around the block pro's that can be out of the chase by Jan/Feb. That's where I see us going because we have no real saleable assets bar Grealish (and i'd be gutted to see him leave more than any player during my time of watching the club). We really had to go up, the plan and style of play was too short-termist and "win now" for us not to have. We'll be left with a shell of a squad once the oldies and loans have gone and they'll be no carry over from the last 2 years in terms of playing staff and football philosophy to bring with us next season. We'll likely do a Norwich and start over but I don't think the fans will have the patience for the inevitable fall next season and the '2-3 years' spiel that will come out. This league will get old fast that's for sure (well it already has for me).
  4. Well if ever there was any doubt about how absolutely massive Saturday was, that statement should make it clear. They'll be loads of unrest and negativity amongst the fans now.
  5. What country you from, the black country?
  6. The subs...honest to Christ what the **** was he playing at
  7. I'm just excited to see who 0,-1 and -2 are ?
  8. They'll be 1000's going to general sale.
  9. Remember those, I sat in the Trinity as a kid that season and he was great linking up with Vass and Barry attacking the north end.. Really silky player beating players with feints and cuts inside - nearly scored a worldy against Leeds doing that. Probably remember the performances of him that season more vividly than any player since So gutted, RIP J LO.
  10. Great performance. Love how we are handling traore, no fouls on him which is basically pulls's gameplan for set pieces. Keith Andrews looks like my nan.
  11. https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2018/05/10/the-big-interview-john-terry-on-aston-villa Good read for those Friday morning work dossers like myself. Off topic player-wise, but i've seen Snodgrass get quite a few good mentions from players and manager over the past few months. Seems like he is key player in the dressing room.
  12. I love that Harry Redknapp mows your lawn.
  13. I do sometimes worry about the quality of our play and our ability to match teams with pace, but looking at that team and the amount of big game experience it has, it is unbelievable for a championship side. It's got play off finals experience, fa cup finals, internationals playing at world cups/euros etc.) and they have pretty much all performed consistently well at premiership level at some stage of their career. In fact, I doubt there has ever been a side close to that level of experience in the play offs. I think that's key in games that will be tight and probably won't be full of quality. I also like Kodija as our wildcard, if we do it....I can see him playing a big part at some point and might just give us that 'Hernandez moment' Hull had a few years ago in the final which ultimately sent them up.
  14. Tbf, considering the mess we'll be in financially if we don't go up (and the fact we've had an owner pump close to 150mill into the club in two years to get us here), I don't begrudge the club not taking the unprecedented step of giving free playoff tickets away, no matter how small the actual revenue might be.
  15. Always thought of Luke1977 as clothes for tw*ts tbh. Vaguely remember Craig Gardner looking like a serial killer head to toe in the stuff a few years back. Still, the banta brigade in the Holte end will approve.
  16. Wow Bridcott, how does a midfielder go 221 games without a goal? U'd think you would get at least a couple by accident in that time
  17. Why do these mongs come out to **** parklife Awful
  18. When you don't have much pace in the side you need imagination. We have neither.
  19. Looks like a 70th minute flood the pitch with strikers job here
  20. I hope those other 4 people who voted tuanzabe for motm were taking the piss like I was.
  21. Kodj to bring a bit of desperately needed unpredictability
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