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Everything posted by WallisFrizz

  1. I’m enjoying the fact that they did a whole segment trashing Flekken and he’s playing a blinder.
  2. If he is out for a few weeks, Cash back in at RB, Lenglet and Carlos to continue centrally and hopefully Pau coming back soon. It definitely weakens us but there are teams that we should still be able to get past without him. Here’s hoping it’s just a knock and he’s back for the United game (we are never this lucky).
  3. Have we ever had a player go for a injury scan and come back with good news?
  4. Got a sneaky feeling we could see a penalty shootout.
  5. Did Olsen just take the piss out of Cash’s bald spot
  6. We’ve been crap for weeks and Spurs have overtaken us. We’re still in the race but we’re going to have to significantly improve to get back to 4th and maintain it.
  7. Poor DCL, they’ve taken his goal off him and awarded it to Harrison.
  8. It did, they got a load of injuries and really faltered, they’re coming out of the other side. We’re still in our slump but hopefully will get stronger again.
  9. This is the speed and intensity we need to start at later.
  10. Spurs are looking miles better than us at the moment.
  11. I actually think Konsa could generate a bit of interest this summer but I would be absolutely gutted to let him go.
  12. It’s not uncommon when people have a lot to say that they screenshot a note rather than do multiple short tweets.
  13. Surprised so many tickets are still available.
  14. Morgan Rogers might get on the pitch for us sooner than expected.
  15. I don’t think it will go to a vote. I think if they can evidence that they have been monitoring the social media responses to the leaked badge and they can satisfy that I they are mainly favourable, I think they will just go with it. I think it makes sense of the leaks.
  16. I’ve been thinking that club would have been idiots to have cancelled the stadium redevelopment based on us wanting us to have a good atmosphere in the CL only for us to miss out on said CL a few months later.
  17. Even if he’s not injured anymore, he’s barely played since early December so I can’t see him featuring much.
  18. I don’t begrudge him keeping hold of his PL wages in the short term but surely the smarter move long term is to put yourself in the shop window with a view to securing your next long term contract, even if that means Championship wages for 6 months. If he’d have gone to Hull or Baggies, there’s promotion potential and possibility of a permanent contract (also why I’m surprised we were insisting on no loan). He obviously has his reasons and I don’t like it when fans expect players just to leave their contracts but seems a big short sighted. I don’t know when his contract is up but I’d be surprised if he’s still here come the end of the summer window.
  19. Yeah I think the hope is there they can make it but given the end of the table we want to continue competing at we would be extremely fortunate if they all made it to the level we need. I think they are sensible low risk signing tho and I like that.
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