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His Name Is Death

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Everything posted by His Name Is Death

  1. Not a clue. We give far too much weight to random rumours from Twitter ITKs - out of boredom, I guess? - but this time I don't even know where this idea has come from.
  2. On MOTD, Wrighty said that, in order for Leon to have angled that in, he needed to be falling over as he hit it. When you look back at the replay you can see that he's right. It wasn't as easy a shot as it looked.
  3. https://www.givemesport.com/1042926-roberto-carlos-reveals-the-surprising-english-club-he-nearly-signed-for-in-1995 Yet another of our what-could-have-beens.
  4. I don't think we'll finish above Chelsea, but I'll be chuffed if we finish 8th considering our start to the season.
  5. I really don't understand FPL this year. Made definite improvements to my early squad, and points-wise I'm doing probably just as well as I've done in previous years (50s-60s on average), but my Gameweek ranks are terrible. Plummeting down the total rankings again. I've got a team with Haaland, Kane, Almiron, Martinelli, De Bruyne, Cancelo, Trippier and Ben White. What's everyone else doing so differently? How are the average points managing to be so high this time? Surely it can't just be because of Haaland?
  6. Dele Alli's fall from grace continues apace.
  7. Ronaldo has 118. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_men's_footballers_with_50_or_more_international_goals
  8. Was very impressed with him today. Takes some nerve to score three penalties in a World Cup final, and that volley was magisterial (as Ray Hudson would say). His mentality is astonishing at such a young age.
  9. The WC win shouldn't make a difference at all, but it's a stupid thing that's been hanging over his head for years and the Argentinian media used to give him a lot of grief over his international record (basically, for not being Maradona). I'm delighted he can shut some of his naysayers up with this win.
  10. Was very impressed by Mbappé's strength and resolve tonight and, even though he's a bellend, I hope we goes on to beat Ronaldo's records.
  11. Not being serious, though I can see how it could be taken that way. I love Mingsy.
  12. The Argies are having a right load of Mings moments tonight.
  13. I want Argentina to win because of Messi and Emi, but they are pricks and I suppose there is a funny side to them being so close and then being denied.
  14. Not at all. Argentina allowed this to happen.
  15. You can always rely on Otamendi for a complete bozo moment.
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