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His Name Is Death

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Everything posted by His Name Is Death

  1. I said it would make me pretty happy. It goes without saying what would make me deliriously happy.
  2. I know I shouldn't say this about Leeds of all teams, but if they, Forest and Brentford go up I would be pretty happy with that. Would make a change from Fulham or the Baggies going up and getting relegated again, and at least Leeds games won't be boring.
  3. I was top of my work league (which I stood to win money from) until this. **** kick in the teeth.
  4. Huh, I thought we already have an 'insurance type system', Damian? People pay in money that is pooled together and is used to pay costs of health-related claims for eligible citizens. I believe it is called taxation. What 'insurance type system' could you be thinking of, I wonder...? (Didn't even take them 24 hours.)
  5. Are you still talking about the team here, or are you talking about the fans?
  6. More competent ones, for a start. I mean, how many of them stand out to you even as 'consistently adequate'? Was it about, say, Kevin Friend, Martin Atkinson or Mike Dean that means they still get to officiate PL games?
  7. It's the current crop of referees that needs replacing, not the technology. As a technology, VAR has the potential to be very good, and it's not VAR's fault that we happen to have morons and troglodytes running (or deliberately sabotaging) it. They were the reason why it was needed in the first place.
  8. I can see Traoré scoring against us, but I'm fairly confident we'll get at least a point out of this one.
  9. I think it's been shown many times that people don't need to physically meet black people to be prejudiced against them. Have they not seen them on TV and in films? They've made no comments or 'jokes' about them whatsoever?
  10. Surely this is bollocks? Poland doesn't really have people of colour either - an ex-Soviet bloc like Bulgaria - but it would be laughable to say most of them have no concept of racism or "prejudice based on skin colour".
  11. I wonder if Chelsea fans get a bit confused when they see Tammy Abraham coming towards them celebrating and instinctively hurl racist abuse at him before remembering to cheer.
  12. Considering your relentless negativity and all your calls for Deano to get sacked last season, I don't know how you (and villalad21) don't feel too ashamed to have opinions.
  13. Surely Dybala to Spurs won't happen, will it? It would be utterly ridiculous if it does (despite them being CL finalists and all that).
  14. Wouldn't surprise me if we're only being linked with him because Lille are El Ghazi's old club.
  15. I'm a London-based Villa fan from oop north. My dad took me to my first game on August 12th 1995, our 2-0 pre-season win over Partizan Belgrade, and I've been an unwavering Villain ever since (give or take a few lapses). Excited for our return to the Premier League and look forward to getting to know you all!
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