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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. Evidently writing out your fantasies...
  2. It took changing to a system that allowed our players to compete better defensively in games that showed he isn’t stubborn. Nothing weird about it. I actually prefer 4-3-3 but we currently don’t have the players to be successful with it as has been shown since the Burnley game.
  3. Maybe you should read my WHOLE post before making your comments. To quote myself I said “he is starting to win me over is our dean. In fact since the Norwich game when we went to two defensive midfielders he has my backing.” I then mentioned fitness in general and then finished with Well done Dean!. Whilst this is only a football forum - taking selective comments and then totally disregarding and misinterpreting the complete text is a dangerous game that some unscrupulous men in bedsheets have been doing for centuries to further their own agendas and brainwash the masses to cause mayhem.
  4. My opinion is mine yours is yours. Had he changed to two defensive midfielders earlier we would have more points on the board.
  5. He’s starting to win me over is our Dean. In fact since the Norwich game where he went 4-2-3-1 he has got my backing. Yesterday I noticed our pressing was very good especially when they went 4-4-2 they changed it after 15 minutes and Kelechi went wide right which caused us problems but we were always in the game. it was like watching his Brentford and Walsall teams. One major concern for me still is our fitness needs improving.Late January and we’re still running out of gas at about 75 minutes in. But much improved since going to 2 defensive midfielders. Well done Dean!
  6. Any players we bring in should be an upgrade on those we already have or a different style of player in the positions we have. I don’t understand this notion on back ups.
  7. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but he’s got freakishly big hands.
  8. His ball to Grealish before the goal was sumptuous. Im getting excited about that because we haven’t had that ability on show for a while.
  9. “Embarrassing. Villa are complete shite but let's face we all new it would end like this.” At lease wee kan spelt ewe tossars
  10. Here’s hoping he can stay fit for more than 3 games this time.
  11. Targett won a very important header for Elmo just before the goal. I thought he was fantastic. I don’t care who we have in the final im just going to enjoy it.
  12. Are we not preparing any bids for anyone ? Have there been any shock bids?
  13. If the blosers play to his strengths and see his amazing runs he might get a goal or two. # Sarcasm.
  14. I prefer 4-3-3 but we don’t have the players/ intensity/ fitness and intelligence to play it well. With 3-4-3 we are better defensively and better with the ball.
  15. Fook me he needs to get to the Docs asap!
  16. His off the ball running was good. Were you at the game? If not then you only get to see what’s on the screen.
  17. I love the fact we have a keeper who can pass the ball.
  18. His off the ball running was very good today created a lot of space for others. Laid the ball off very well today too. Naturally he is a winger so going back to his position he can thrive with Samatta.
  19. Just read through the match thread Trez and AEG didn’t stop running their off the ball work was good. Hopefully their on the ball work improves too. Grealish is a genius .
  20. The referee was an absolute Representative for Wellingborough all game. There were so many fouls on our players it was unreal. Excellent performance even if the final ball was poor except for the last 15 minutes. Douglas Mcgregor you little beauty. And im pretty sure the goal came off Mings’ foot? Oh wait Troy ??? Are you listening you bell end. We might not be the best but we’ve got heart .
  21. Also anyone with BT sport can watch 3 of his Champions League games two vs Salzburg and One V Napoli. The Liverpool games would have been beneficial.
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