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Everything posted by MotoMkali

  1. The rules are very clear if your arm increases the profile of your body it is a handball whether it is intentional or not. If it would hit you in the chest no biggie. But it was moving away from him and it influenced where it was ending up which would have been at the feet of mcginn but it instead went to trez or Luiz.
  2. Disagree with guilbert. He has picked up 3 yellow cards already and clearly is worried about the imminent suspension. On top of that he was playing a top 5 winger in the world today and was quite a bit slower. I also disagree with el ghazi. He is very dangerous and is the most threatening player we have imo. We should have brought him on for Wesley in my opinion. We needed someone who could score and Davis clearly isn't that player. If someone we have is to score in a game like that I would put my money on him or hourihane because they both can score from range and they both can finish despite the simple chances el ghazi has fluffed against Norwich and Brighton. Mcginn clearly tires after 55 minutes. Dean needs to sub him at 60 every game. Bring on hourihane or Luiz. This is when we concede our goals when mcginn can't defend and it is like we are playing with 10 men. Mcginn doesn't come off and that is my biggest issue this season. He is a good player but running as much as he does is very tiring and I would rather have a fresh layer for the last 20 minutes of a game than someone who struggles to walk up and down the pitch. With Wes it is hard to say. I personally think we don't give him anything to work with. In the first half all the long balls to him he had to chase and was in crap position when it came down. What is the point in having a target man if you can't find the target. The balls are either really short really long or about 20 yards wide of him. It is honestly disgraceful that we can't find him. On the other hand he needs to strop less though I suspect that is a symptom of the shit service we give him. Engels has had a rough couple of games since arsenal. He hasn't done anything really good defensively but hasn't made any mistakes. I would like for him to do more and probably take free kicks within our half but he hasn't done anything I can really fault him for. I personally have a problem with Heaton. I think he has been generally very poor. He has made some alright save but I don't think he has made any that steer wouldn't have. I also think steer is more aggressive and better at deciding when to come for the ball which could have prevented goals against Burnley and Norwich. He also gave away a penalty against Bournemouth which steer would have made. He was supposed to be a much more vocal keeper than steer but I haven't seen any signs of that this season especially considering the mixup between mings and him today. Also sterling's goal Heaton should have saved that. It was clear what sterling was going to do and letting the ball go through your legs and underneath you as a keeper is a disgrace.
  3. Once again Dean needs to make the subs earlier mcginn cant even run at this point. Bring on hourihane.
  4. Sterling was so **** offside. Had to jump out of the way. Heaton had to dive after sterling jumped out of the way
  5. We have no movement up there with him no wonder he can't do much.
  6. We are not passing the ball to him he has to chase it and is always in a crap position when it arrives so he can't control it
  7. Well they would still be considered world class. Because many fit into multiple positions like Ronaldo could be a striker or a winger. Plus it is overall ability. I was just saying as a general rule of thumb
  8. Agreed I think bowen is a perfect player for us. Nearly out of contract so probably reasonably cheap. Hull are safe from relegation but aren't going to go up so some extra money to try and find some other good young players would be good. And bowen scores lots of goals plus he is left footed which we do not have on a winger.
  9. Why would Luiz sign for City if they are just going to sell him on. Because if he becomes a quality player at the end of this season but not good enough to beat out rodri or fernandinho why would he sign for them. There is no way he agreed to that contract if he was forced into a contract with City if he didn't want to be. Presumably a contract that equals his current value and not his future one. There is simply no chance of that so unless City intend to play him he won't rejoin them.
  10. To be fair word class generally means top 5 in their position. You would say Eden Hazard is world class but he would be behind: Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar and maybe sterling.
  11. I think the reason grealish wasn't effective early on in the season is twofold. One he had Neil Taylor on his left so if he passed to the fullnack very little would happen. Two Mcginn was always very far to the right and in line with wesley so when grealish got the ball he couldn't pass across the pitch to our 2nd best player to take pressure off of himself. I think mcginn has been playing deeper the last few games and I think if we moved grealish back into the centre that should continue and grealish would be just as effective. Just we would have benrahma instead of hourihane.
  12. In January I would like us to sign both bowen and benrahma. I can see both of them costing about 30 million combined but it would give us lots of depth on the wings and bowen could play back up striker. Benrahma is also good at taking free kicks he scored a reasonable number last season and would mean we wouldn't have to play hourihane for the set piece threat. If we do sign them that means we have 5 wingers plus jack or 4 if you say bowen is a striker. This begs the question whether or not grealish moves back to central midfield. If this does happen mcginn needs to sit deeper so grealish can play higher and in the free role when we are attacking but be a central midfielder when we are defending. I would also like benrahma to have a free role so grealish and benrahma are constantly switching positions try and confuse the defenders. In the other side I think el ghazi or bowen has to play. On the one hand bowen will probably score goals more frequently but ghazi will get more assists and is probably a bigger threat from range and isn't a slouch when scoring either. I'd probably start el ghazi so you could bring bowen on for wesley late in the game if necessary. I'd be tempted to play trez and I think he could tuck in and play cm if grealish went wide but I think el ghazi or bowen provide end product which we haven't seen from trez. I could see us lining up like this ------------------------Wesley---------------------------- Benrahma----------------------------El Ghazi---------- ---------------Grealish---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------Mcginn------------ ------------------------Marvellous------------------------ With Bowen, Trez and Luiz off the bench or Hourihane if we are chasing a goal but keeping possession.
  13. Aesthetic isn't a superlative on its own. It would be "aesthetically pleasing". Sorry for being a pedantic bitch but it just hurts me.
  14. Agreed he is averaging a little over 2 shots per game and only 14 passes. We need to get the ball to his feet more so he can link up play. He has quite a few unsuccessful touches but I think that is because we don't play very good balls so he is still fighting for position but the time the comes down for him to control.
  15. The reason why lambert got fired was because benteke wasn't scoring and we continued to be crap elsewhere.
  16. El ghazi is good in 1/4 games, alright 1/2 the time and bad 1/4 of the time. However he is special 1/10 games and when he is special he is the best player on the pitch and will score screamers and get brilliant assists.
  17. Man City and Liverpool will regularly outperform their XG because they have a very high quality keeper an excellent attacking players but it is based on the average player taking that shot and for most prem teams including us over the course of a season it will likely only be off by 1 or 2 goals.
  18. Yeah for 3 games and then is back out with an Injury. I guess Ashley Young as well but targett has looked quality for us and clearly provides more of an attacking threat than Bertrand. Plus Southgate likes to play youngish players so the team can be prepared for a couple of years for the future.
  19. Chilwell is probably better than him but who else is Southgate going to play Bertrand? I'm pretty sure every other prem left back is from another nation.
  20. I agree he works hard. He has lapses in concentration but whenever he loses the ball he always works to try and win it back and whenever the ball is between him and the goal he presses I just think he loses concentration after the ball is passed around him.
  21. El ghazi has only played 8 games and has come on as a sub in one. So it translates closer to 22 or 23 if you expect him to start all of the rest of the games bar one or 2. Which would translate to 36 games on the season which I assume you were suggesting.
  22. I agree I think it looks that way because trez is smaller so he looks quicker. He might also have a quicker first step but I don't think there is much difference in pace.
  23. Too be fair I bet the playoff final probably is quite a rich game but it isn't 100mil rich. It may be 1-2extra mil for each participant.
  24. No player in our price range will be a good consistent pl winger. For that it is 50+ mil I also don't think anyone we can sign for under 30 can match el ghazi on a good day. If he is on he is Ronaldo lite but will pass.
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