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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. i would like to see: Marty Cash - Chambers - Mings - Young Luiz - Dendoncker Bailey - Buendia - Coutinho Archer or Marty Cash - Chambers - Mings - Young Luiz - Dendoncker Buendia - Ramsey - Coutinho/Bailey Archer something like that.
  2. Khabib, Makhachev, those Dagistani's are a different breed. I also loved Zabit Magomedsharipov's style, he was a lovely fighter to watch, pity he isnt/wasnt too well. I know Khazmat isnt Dagastani (but Russian - Chechnya), but he's also an animal. Some super impressive fighters coming out of that part of the world, different breed.
  3. looks like its @CarryOnVilla's twin......
  4. dont worry, we would bring him back and either: 1) Do an Archer and give him a total of 3 mins 45 seconds game time. or 2) Infect him with McGinnavirus causing him to not be able to pass 5 yards or shoot straight.
  5. i suppose my question would be, is how the heck do the Telegraph know McGinn will be dropped!? It also says Ramsey will be dropped.
  6. thanks. Would be interesting to hear the actual comments and see if they are as reported.
  7. could be wrong, but i heard they were "waiting for a good deal", as what they had been offered wasnt enough for their owner. Not sure if true tho.
  8. am i correct in thinking that his contract runs out at the end of next season? I thought it was a 3 year contract with a 1 year option? (i highly doubt we would take the 1 year option...)
  9. It must be the case that a new manager is lined up, with their entire team with them, to have sacked almost the entire coaching team already?
  10. I would rather the dinner lady than nanny mcphee.
  11. How has this dude avoided the cull?
  12. Culter should defo stay. Danks and mcphee need to go too. I would have debated critchley, depending on who is planned to take over permanently and when.
  13. We really need to make sure we consult Bailey's Agent Dad with regard to the new manager. Maybe Agent Dad has an idea who would be a good manager?, maybe Bailey's Dad would be interested in the position? Maybe we should go for a duo of head coaches in Agent Dad and Yorke?
  14. funny that Gerrard was here for exactly 38 PL games. Joined before game week 12 in 21/22, sacked after game week 11 in 22/23.
  15. Not sure what your point is, in April i thought he was worth the benefit of the doubt as he hadnt been here long. Now 6 months later and 1 year down the line from his appointment, i now am of the opinion he needs to go. Isnt it a good thing to be able to change my opinion based on evidence?, or do you want me to cling to my original beliefs come hell or high water? as i said at the time, i was neither pro nor anti Gerrard (other than evidence based performances), its now clear he needs to go, do you want a medal or something?
  16. 1 less point after 11 games than Dean Smith when he got sacked (9pts v 10pts). Also, the worst start to any of our PL seasons since we got promoted. Just shocking.
  17. Fulham's biggest win in the PL for 9 years. LOL.
  18. gotta say, the away fans are doing themselves proud, singing that loud after this debacle.
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