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Everything posted by MrBlack

  1. How detailed was the information on the phone? I imagine it made hitc look like the BBC (before BBC started quoting Twitter on their news articles)
  2. He sure did. Smith effect applies to how much more positive the fans have been this season too, which was another big factor in his love for our club. Now get that loan in tag removed...
  3. Best signing I can think of in a long time. Genuinely... think the last time I felt this positive about a signing was Luc Nilis. Totally different circumstances, and hopefully a totally different outcome.
  4. I think that analysis was done before the McCormack offloading so not sure what impact that will have... presumably more room for wages, slightly less for transfer fees. But I agree with DDID; I have a feeling the owners will find a way to spend more whilst still keeping us in check with whatever FFP rules require (including those of the EFL in case of relegation). Exciting times.
  5. I've heard he makes no apology for linking his thinking with computer technology... With our new moneyball-esque managerial setup you might be on to something!
  6. Ah yes, of course. Kachloul was the real star back then
  7. Possibly right on Cahill, but feel his combination of having played for us before (and being forced out through no fault of his own) and what he has won at Chelsea means he'd be worth signing on a free. Our history with him may mean we get him for less than others would pay, but if he wants top dollar then i'd agree his current ability isn't enough to match those demands. My comment on experience isn't just specifically premier league, although of those you mentioned, Grealish is the only one id hope to see in the starting lineup next season, maybe Elmo if we prioritise other reinforcements... this, for me, is a concern at the moment. Fwiw, I do expect Dean and co to be aware of this and to remedy it this window, unlike previous regimes who released players with no plan and no alternative, I think we've got a plan. Just not sure I can think who these experiences hires will be.
  8. The hash tags give it away... official Premier League status incoming soon. As for signings, there are very few 30+ players I would take (that would consider coming to us). If Milner was an option it would be an absolute no brainer to take him, however, he just played in the champions league final... there is very little chance this will happen. Cahill would be one worth considering, the experience, and his history with us, means he'd be an asset that we might get. Free transfer too means more funds for elsewhere. Generally, I'm happy with us looking to the future with most of our signings, but if we only do that then the team we assemble will not survive the first season. There's simply not enough experience in our team as it stands
  9. The detailed analysis linked by Wilko suggested we could spend up to 100m in transfer fees and 30m per year on salaries, before any further unusual activity that may or may not be planned by our owners to allow further spending. Presumably some variation of that which sees our net outgoings stay the same (taking into account amortisation - very basically spreading the purchase cost over the term of the players contact) would also be acceptable. Whilst this would see us make nearly the maximum net loss allowable under Premier League FFP rules, I'd still expect a similar level of outgoings knowing they have the option to purchase Villa Park if needed as cover. Given this, and the impending transfer of Jota for ~4m (who I expect will be on £1m a year more than GG), that leaves us with ~£96M and £29m a year on salaries to spend. For the minimum 6 players we still need to buy, that averages out at 16m per player on 90k a week. Make it 8 players and it's 12m per signing and 69k per week All in all, I think we're good from an FFP perspective, the real issue we face now is getting the right people in, and hoping they settle in and don't upset the apparent happy atmosphere that Dean has fostered. I'm confident he can do this.
  10. I doubt they'd bother with the stadium purchase at this stage, given the EFL can now only fine us as opposed to deduct points. Keep it in their back pocket as a future emergency option
  11. Chelsea were a distinctly average club before Roman bought them, with very limited history. The odd fa cup win (one against us) and a couple of lesser European trophies. Our record against them is probably swayed by the 10 or so years before they bought their way to the top... that said, our record against Newcastle is shockingly poor. Oldham, the only team we've not beaten in the premier league, an interesting bit of trivia. Let's hope we can avoid adding Brighton to that come the end of next season!
  12. Oh Tammy Tammy... Please stay (Assuming we learn to defend and somehow get promoted)
  13. Game was lost the second Tammy got injured. I suspect Smith brought Hogan on based on a memory of what he used to be able to do, but the Villa version has never been able to work up front on his own. I don't think Kodjia would have been much better though as the ball virtually never reached that far forward. It's almost like the psychology of losing our threat meant everyone stopped trying. Norwich pressed us incessantly, credit to them for their fitness levels so definitely had an impact on our ability to play. Would be nice to see the same from some of our players. No McGinn was evident. Feel like Bjarnasson could become a very useful player through the rest of this season with his style fitting Dean's approach, and Whelan and Jedi's clearly not. Not surprised or disappointed, the next 2.5 months will be much the same unless we can get special dispensation to sign a gk on the grounds of the current crop being unusable.
  14. Not had chance to watch the conference yet but, given the comments here, I'm ecstatic about this appointment and the confirmation that it wasn't a last minute decision by the board. Reinforces my belief they know what they're doing and that the structure in place will set us up for the future as well as getting the team earning their right to play. If they're not earning it, they won't be starting and that is the perfect solution for me. Go get 'em Deano
  15. Sadly that's a ridiculous expectation. We have one centre back and even he's not that good without an experienced capable centre back alongside him. And the less said about our keepers the better. Anyone on the bosman free market is still there for a reason. These unrealistic expectations will see Dean being booed within three weeks.
  16. Welcome back JT, I trust you to do the right thing with our defence, and come out of retirement until January if needed. The fact he is happy to be assistant when Lampard and Gerrard have both gone straight into management tells me one of two things... The board have a project that he believes in and he thinks he'll benefit from the experience of working under a modern progressive coach like Smith with a fanbase that he won over with his commitment last year. Or, he couldn't persuade the EFL to give him an exemption on his badges and he's using us a stepping stone. FWIW, I think it's the former.
  17. Yes Dean, welcome to the club. I've got a good feeling about this. And I haven't had that regarding Villa on at least 15 years. If you can stop us going backwards between now and January, and bolster the defence (the middle of it) in January things will be looking up.
  18. Still stand by my first comments after Bruce went, Rodgers or Rafa (wasn't aware of the Purslow connection at the time) first choice, Smith a perfectly valid third choice. Smith, if he wants the job, should be hired over anyone that isn't sure/keen. Rodgers too but for some unknown reason the press and bookies seem to have gone off him.
  19. Surely if it had happened he'd have been announced or it would have been registered on one of those companies house type databases? The longer the silence, the less likely this appears, which is no bad thing judging from the reviews of him. About the only positives were his links to Rafa (Purslow says no and it sounds like Rafa didn't get on with him anyway) and Flores (a solid candidate). Providing lamps (strikers) when we need sofas (centre backs) is not what we need. Fingers crossed it's Twitter talk.
  20. Posted this in the Jesus thread but as that is all puns and references to McGrath son I figured it might get more attention here... Assuming we have appointed him then he did work with Sanches Flores for two years at Atletico, which is about the longest he's worked with anyone.
  21. Worked with flores at Atletico Madrid 2010-2011... May be some thing in that.
  22. Love the fact no-one in the press has a clue, hate the fact that bookies can use this to laugh all the way to the bank. Despise the fact that Sky are both press and bookies and really feel they should be investigated for improper practices. I think if Henry is stalling on the basis of the Monaco job, our owners will find out and that will be him gone from the list of candidates. If he's genuinely delayed to fulfill an obligation with Belgium/say a final final farewell to them (because let's face it by the time we can attract a Belgian international he'll be long gone from here) then fine. That's all assuming that the rumors the job is his are true. I still refuse to believe our new owners are that naive that they wouldn't have had a shortlist long before the sacking came. Rodgers comments were those of a man that is interested. Posturing as he did won't encourage a release of funds for him in January, and if he genuinely didn't want it he just has to say that.
  23. There is no way NSWE are risk averse. You don't get the millions they have by being risk averse. You do that by taking advantage of change and managing/offsetting the risks. With that said, and with them holding the purse strings, I fully expect Henry/Terry to be announced tomorrow. Now I just hope and pray that Villa Park gives them time to sort the mess out and don't get on their backs if we're still leaking goals until January.
  24. Hard work will beat talent...demonstrated perfectly today. Whether we could ever have won today with no experienced centre backs is another matter, but given over half the team weren't trying we'll never know. They aren't fully to blame, Bruce's softly softly, no plan approach has become engrained and they won't forget that overnight. Hopefully the new manager can get some motivation into the players, either through a philosophy they agree with or a kick up the backside
  25. BBC are really going down the route of tabloid rag lately. Reporting Twitter posts as news and allowing their political bias to show through everything they post... Thankfully, otherwise I'd be worried about them linking us with Moyes
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