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Everything posted by fruitvilla

  1. Yes, Grealish has done worse, and for some unknown reason this particular fan cares. The average prem league player gets paid 3 million pounds a year. If I got paid a small fraction of that I would avoid (and have managed) getting my name in the tabloids. It affects, or potentially can affect, Villa's financial statement, the line item called good will. I would be very surprised there is not a clause in player contracts that deals with such behaviour. Having said that, there seems to be something self destructive about Barkley's behaviour. It would be interesting to have a sense of the underlying causes. I wish Barkley all the best in his future endeavours, and trust he stops digging a hole for himself.
  2. I suggest that you watch this video ... nice lady describing Corbyn's position on anti Semiticism
  3. Do you see a difference between the two? One is a group of people and the other is a religion. One is being against a group of people and the other a fear of a religion. And technically Arabs are semites too.
  4. Reading through comments on Villa Talk, I get an appreciation of what variables Dean Smith has to take into account, weigh, balance, implement and take responsibility for. I suppose this is true for most elite managers. Dean Smith has my respect.
  5. Only watched the last twenty .... Luiz would have got the MOTM based on that for me. Excellent passing.
  6. While I would likely disagree with Cheney ... does not stop her being wrong about Trump and where the Republican party are heading.
  7. If someone were to say "I hate Man United fans" would that count as hate speech? Or "I wish they would eff themselves"? You can see where I am going with this ... slowly escalating the rhetoric. It might not be a call for violence but it could certainly fuel the violence. There's going to be censor but who? For example if someone advocating for women's reproductive rights a call for violence?
  8. You did not answer my question Paul ... should you be forced to lend me your soap box? Hyde Park is a public space? It would seem that your answer might be yes.
  9. Perhaps some company wants to police what what is said? Perhaps they feel expression of some thoughts will be bad for business? Say you own a soap box and I want to talk in favour of limiting free speech at Hyde Park Corner. Do you think you should be forced to lend me your soap box?
  10. I get it ... Footballer makes mistake! ... extra, extra read all about it. It isn't exactly news. It goes without saying as supporters we will continually want to upgrade the team until the point the whole thing become untenable/unfordable. If we think "giving shit" to Luiz (or anyone else) on Villa talk somehow benefits our self esteem, Luiz or the Club, let me know how this works.
  11. Is it OK to give "shit" to people who are not on this forum? I understand forum rules probably allow it, but ????
  12. Nice to see the home side at St Andrew's can put six past the opposition.
  13. And that would say more about you than her? But I hope you got my point?
  14. She was drunk and a girlfriend dared her to do it?
  15. I get what you mean ... OK ... if someone makes a "mistake" does that make them unintelligent?. I've done some unintelligent stuff over my sixty odd years ... I don't think that in of itself makes me unintelligent. But based on experience I would be suspicious. If my marital status did not preclude it, and I was interested in that sort of thing, surely the intelligent thing would be to investigate.
  16. OK? If this woman was intelligent, outgoing, attractive, liberated, had a sense of humour and sane, you would rule her out; because?
  17. I generally agree with your post here. As someone who could do a reasonable impression of a English Brit, I always thought the British Isles should have been one political unit. That way the habit drinking beer at cellar temperatures could be more easily protected.
  18. I've always read it as coveting next door's wife's ass. But what do I know? Regarding your shower ponderings ... "inert" is the wrong word. Perhaps inanimate?
  19. cf Agreed ... But it is marginally better than an off the cuff opinion.
  20. I just did a quick search regarding the property managers. I could not find a definitive answer, but as the picket was around SmartHomes, for the moment I will presume they are the property managers. Now a very quick preliminary search has not identified any obvious "scumbag" activity. If it turns out this is not as bad as it looks, will we be sending a note of apology to the folks at SmartHomes, being big on responsibility 'n all?
  21. There's nothing to apologize for ... but thanks anyway. I suspect we all do at times. But end of the day we are expressing opinions about Bruce with minimal information. I could be wrong here of course, but I would be interested in what Bruce did or did not know. ps keep up the pro bono work.
  22. I am removed a little bit from British politics these days ... but in my lifetime the Labour Party have had only two electable leaders: Wilson and Blair. What's going on? Has the country moved that much to the authoritarian-right?
  23. I agree with what you wrote. But not knowing the facts does not spoil the fun of being righteous.
  24. Strange ... I had something similar in my teenage years and young/middle adulthood. I always called them my Sunday headaches. I always associate with dark Sunday late afternoons in Kings Heath. Mine were not like clockwork, maybe three times a year. And not as bad as your Dad's. I sometimes could walk them off by going into the daylight. Painful but it worked. Luckily ... not had too many in the last twenty or so years. 1999 ... visiting the Del Prado (Madrid) first and only on a Saturday. God, the Goya exhibit was depressing. This was the first time it was sufficiently bad where the headache induced vomitting. Then another in 2007 or thereabouts. Nothing since.
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