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Everything posted by fruitvilla

  1. How about a water mark of a rampant lion holding the sash lightning bolt?
  2. You're welcome. I sort of guessed the alignment was intentional ... it looked symmetrical in a sense. And speaking of lightning kinks ... perhaps the on the next version the sash could be a lightning bolt? Striking a rampant Lion?
  3. Of the shirts presented so far, this is winning for me by far. Especially the sash. I'd buy that one. The black one, I can take or leave. The home kit I would not change a thing. A couple of suggestions ... the sash ... the top and lower parts of the sash don't line up, I see it might be intentional, centering 'n all, jars a little for me. And I might drop the shield on the sash too. But it is lovely as is and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  4. Which is more fun, knocking someone of a pedestal or selling yourself to be on a pedestal?
  5. It would be interesting to see a Venn diagram of objection to taking the knee and objecting to Covid precautions.
  6. Only watched the first 30 mins ... but I have to agree Mings seemed a little off today. Having said that I got the impression Romania seemed to attack down their left to test England's lack of depth at the right back position.
  7. I don't get what is in it from for Norwich City selling Emiliano Beundia. The 35 million pounds they'll get they are unlikely to get anyone much better, unless their scouts have identified a couple of dead cert options for 15 million? Does not make sense to me. I feel for their fans, much in the same way in 1975 last game of the season at Carrow Road when Villa beat them 4:1 and returned to the first division.
  8. Footballer makes mistake. Tyrone Mings makes mistake!!!!!
  9. There are advantages and disadvantages to seeing life through a chemist's eyes. I can admire the results of a person's chemistry, but criticizing a person's chemistry seems pointless. But that is for my philosophy thread.
  10. Just looking at the wiki page about the battery chemistry, I noted that the are electrolytes can have some unpleasant anions. Fluoride in particular. I am not overly familiar with fluoroborates and fluorophosphates. I would have to look up how they are dealt with environmentally. The fluoride probably is converted to a relatively stable calcium fluoride and can/could be used to make the fluoride based electrolytes again. Some of the electrolytes are simple organic molecules and are like dealt with pyrometallurgically. The scrap steels, other metals and plastics have to be dealt with. The plant I walked around was clean and well run. They don't say much but it is here and here. The thing I liked about the plant I walked through was it did not have any pyrometallurgy. It is some twenty years since I walked through, not long after it started up. I would love to have a walk through again.
  11. Whilst we are at it ... sodium based batteries seem to be coming to the fore. The batteries of the future: Sodium instead of lithium | Science| In-depth reporting on science and technology | DW | 27.08.2020 I don't see them being used in vehicles ... but perhaps in bicycles etc too heavy compared to lithium, but for stationary applications a definite maybe. Don't need cobalt.
  12. Speaking as a chemist who has specialized as a "hydrometallurgist" for the last forty odd years (in the mining industry), The primary issue, as I see it, is designing the battery casings so they are more easily recyclable, or even better reusable. Recovering the lithium is relatively straight forward. I can't imagine recovering the cobalt would be difficult either. I have had opportunity to be toured around the local lithium recycler (they recover lithium carbonate) from military grade batteries. The exciting bit is where they have to break up the batteries, especially if they have not been fully discharged.
  13. The applicant managed/coached Aston Villa between 2016 and 2018, would we like to interview him/her? I remember I once had an applicant that spelt their name three different ways between the covering letter and the CV.
  14. fruitvilla


    The strange thing is while Obama was to the left of the Republicans, he still is very conservative by western standards. Americans have a really strange perception of the Democrats as being socialist.
  15. The question for me is how do we upgrade? Take Targett 2.0, should we have upgraded him last year? Will we have Traore 2.0 next season? This line of questioning goes for many of our players.
  16. So eight and half(th) on average ... what goes around come around ... I suppose.
  17. Squander the rest? apologies to Georgie.
  18. I like Ezri Konsa (but I like Mings more )
  19. Dean Smith reminds me of fish and chips without gravy, just the way I like my fish and chips. Oops sorry wrong thread.
  20. Not to take away from Bertrand's execution, but this was a classic team goal. The Villa offense overloaded the back post, creating a wide open space in the 18 yard block. Grealish passed to 'no one' in this space, Troare screened off the overload and ran into the open space and put it (bulletted it) into the top left hand roof of the net. From my point of of view Troare generally: (often) takes on the defender, but his success rate is too low (for some) does not pass often enough to the overlapping runner (for me and others no doubt) tracks back, but tends to defend/mark space rather than a man scores incredible goals
  21. You could post this on a Spurs forum or two, you know?
  22. MotM? Whoever designed that set piece from the corner ... it was bloody brilliant.
  23. Regardless it was a beautiful set piece corner.
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