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Everything posted by sparrow1988

  1. Isn't feeling better about yourself the same as trying to achieve a higher status? Buying new jeans, a new car, new shoes even though the old ones are working fine. We've all done it. You can define as achieving a higher status or making yourself feel better. It's the same thing.
  2. This is good news for me.
  3. The crocodiles thought Mick Dundee was tough
  4. Because all of those things stopped Johnson (replace his wife's ties with his own presonal ties to Russia) being backed to the hilt by the Tory party/Tory voters up until very recently.
  5. 52 Ministers. I didn't even know there were that many. How many are left?
  6. Seriously, come on. I mean what Bosko Balaban, Michael Boulding, Oyvind Leonhardsen. All surely worse. Ah, this is not the Wesley thread. Apologies.
  7. Bayern players don't need PEDs though. They just drink water fresh from the streams of the Alps.
  8. I'm with @Sam-AVFC here, I wouldn't want you too.
  9. Hold on now. Maybe he was the one being groped and that's why he left early?
  10. Is a change of username on the cards?
  11. I know you you referenced KW for "mann komm" but don't think I'll pass up on the other opportunity you presented in your post.
  12. It's getting to the stage now that it's just easier for our new recruits to learn Portuguese or Spanish instead of English in order to fit in.
  13. Ah, thesis due next Wednesday. FPL launch is exactly the distraction that I need right now.
  14. I thought it was we wanted him the summer before but the price was too high?
  15. Unless he's gone straight to Gerrard and said "Je voudrais allez a la France, Rodney", it would be remiss of Gerrard not to at least take a look at him. Particularly in this motorised wing back system we have been playing.
  16. Can we change the name of this thread "Ashley Young: with a vengeance" please?
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