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It's Your Round

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Everything posted by It's Your Round

  1. I hope that's what his agent and family are telling him right now.
  2. The fact he's a player that actually wants to play for Villa is a start. Let's hope he can turn into a decent player for us. He's unproven but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Experience isn't everything, just look at Richards et al.
  3. I think your two finger salute says what the majority think about Gabby.
  4. Exactly what V01 says, articles from that site appear on newsnow when they include Aston Villa in the title. I tend to read most links from Newsnow so this was no different. I wouldn't normally take the time to comment but seen as they'd raided VT for their comments I thought I'd mention it.
  5. We need a fresh start and that means getting rid of the worst offenders from last season's disgracefully bad 'team'. My worst fear is that we'll start the season with, not far off, those that relegated us. Guzan, your time is up. Please go. This is the best time for someone to buy him, he's just had a reasonably good tournament. Surely an MLS team will come in for him. Surely. Hopefully. Desperately.
  6. Did anyone else, when watching him on the treadmill, imagine that there was a picture of a Big Mac on the mirror in front of him? I did, and it made me smile.
  7. Me too, does that mean we're now some kind of Internet celebrities?
  8. Newcastle fans site TheMag upto its old tricks again, copying and pasting VillaTalk comments is becoming a bit of an obsession! http://www.themag.co./2016/07/aston-villa-fans-plenty-say-newcastles-transfer-activity-newcastle-united Aston Villa fans have been reacting to the flurry of transfer activity at St James Park. With only five weeks until the season kicks off, Rafa Benitez has unleashed a trio of signings for a combined £27m that has certainly created headlines around the Championship. Matz Sels arrived from Belgian side Gent but it was the double signing of Ritchie and Gayle from the Premier League that has made everybody take notice. Aston Villa fans have seen only Bournemouth defender Tommy Elphick arrive for £3m, despite much excitement created by both a new club owner and manager. Villa are seen by the bookies as the biggest competition for Newcastle United when it comes to going for the Championship title and promotion. Some interesting observations from the Villa supporters below about Newcastle’s buys, as well as their own transfer activity/inactivity. I particularly like the conviction that they are bound to be ‘above the Leicesters of this world’ in five years time! - See more at: http://www.themag.co.uk/2016/07/aston-villa-fans-plenty-say-newcastles-transfer-activity-newcastle-united/#sthash.vcQZjxus.dpuf
  9. I'd have been more than happy with Ritchie for £12m. I'm not advocating throwing money away for the sake of it, but I would like a signal of intent to come through in one of our signings. A player that makes the rest of the league sit up and take notice.
  10. Whilst it's true that we are a Championship team right now and we all hope it's only a short term thing. I want Tony to signal his intent by signing a star for big money. If he really is looking to get promoted at first try then we should be able to convince a quality premier league player to come and pay the going rate. We need a mix of players with winning championship experience but I'd love a real marquee signing to show we mean business.
  11. I watched the Wales game in a local pub last night with a mate and his old school friends, they're all knocking on for 60 years old and were a good laugh. Conversation turned to why England are so rubbish, the overwhelming opinion amongst these lads was that they're paid too much. I agreed, they are paid obscene amounts, but pointed out that so are a fair few of the Welsh players. And the Germans, Italians, Spanish, French etc... It's not just the wages that's the problem. It's more than that, England seem to have an ingrained mental issue when it comes to pressurised games. It's in their psyche. Anyway they weren't having any of it. It's all down to how much they get paid. I sometimes think I'm better off watching football at home
  12. Ah yes, the new Tommy Elphick sleeping bag range does look good!
  13. Are you sure it's her first match? After the last 5 seasons anyone could be forgiven for being more excited by the food than the football
  14. Tommy Elphick does, if I've understood my proportions correctly.
  15. Who were the people mentioning the quality of players, Wyness and co or the reporters?
  16. Fair play, that was a really interesting insight and one I enjoyed reading immensely. Things seem to be shaping up well now. It's very reassuring that we are finally getting our act together! Now to buy some new players...
  17. Elphick is right footed. We need a replacement for Lescott/Clark to provide the balance.
  18. Fonts was one of my staple points scorers in the fantasy football last season. A good, solid, experienced pro. Yes please, can't see it, why would they sell him. If they did it would be a great signing.
  19. The more true Villa people we can have in and around the club the better I say.
  20. This is also illustrated by Sheffield Wednesday's crest. Looks like it was designed by the winner of a junior school competition. Sorry, can't post a picture. For some reason every screen shot or image I find lately is too big!!
  21. His decline in performances have matched his decline in hair growth, coincidence?
  22. Here's hoping West Midlands Village can get 3pts at South Yorkshire Blues! We won't worry too much about the badge then.
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