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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/law-and-courts/legal-system-s/police-s/police-powers-to-stop-and-search-enter-private-property-and-seize-goods-s/#:~:text=If asked to do so,could be arrested and charged. "If asked to do so, you must give your name, address, date and place of birth and nationality to the officer. You may also be asked for an explanation of your behaviour. If you give false information or refuse to answer, you are committing an offence for which you could be arrested and charged." They have the right to make you identify yourself but have less limited rights about searching you and your possessions. However with Patel in charge I expect police rights will only go one way.
  2. Following on from what I said yesterday (I was thinking about it whilst out for a run). The gym is great for your mental health, but remember that you're only competing against yourself (true to all of life) . It doesn't matter what other people are lifting or how they look. There will always be someone who looks better than you or lifts heavier, that doesn't matter. All that matters is if you're making progress and that you're enjoying/benefiting from it. It can also be a bit of a trap if you let it. No matter what progress you make you can always end up wanting more. You hit a personal best that you've been working towards for ages and the next day all you can think about is what the next milestone is. This is great at driving you forwards but don't let it define you. Enjoy your successes along the way. The realisation that you will also have bad days there, days where the weight feels so much heavier then before and you feel drained. This is normal and happens to everyone. It's a marathon and not a sprint. It's countered by days where you feel really strong and great. Understanding that failure is also fine, in fact it's often good. It means that you are pushing yourself and it's through failure that we grow.
  3. What's people's thoughts on Maddison? Zero minutes last two games so would expect him to start both this DGW.
  4. Honestly don't know anyone who prefers streaky bacon. It's way too fatty and greasy. I'd happily pass up a streaky bacon sandwich, gimme a nice crispy and thick bit of back any day.
  5. Exercise and going to the gym makes a massive difference to my mental health and wellbeing. My mood instantly lifts and I can feel the stuff bogging me down just disappear when I stop. I've been diagnosed clinically depressed with extreme anxiety in the past and weightlifting and cardio is one of my main coping mechanisms. It's also probably the only long term healthy one. When I've not been for a few days I can tell the difference in my mood and if I'm injured and I've not been for a few months my wife says I'm insufferable.
  6. Anyone got any tips for finding electrical cables hidden in walls? I've got a stud finder with AC detection but I don't trust how reliable it is. Should I just get a better one or does anyone know an easier/cheaper way (like using magnets to find hidden screws)?
  7. Beat me to it by 300 points.
  8. 128 and a green to 41k. Let down by Havertz and Salah captain but happy with that. Some crazy big scores this week.
  9. Well I didn't as I've purposefully avoided everything about it. The films only a week old and a lot of people haven't had chance to see it yet.
  10. Decent week for me and a green but feeling trolled by Havertz. Went from playing every game to getting 1 minute across a DGW.
  11. My original post wasn't it was in the things you wonder thread were the discussion had been going on for about 2 days. It must have been moved by a Mod to kindly make me look like a crazy person moaning that people were discussing the subject on the thread.
  12. I don't like butter on any sandwich. Only place it should be is on toast, a jacket potato or used in cooking something else.
  13. I know. As I said I'll likely do it once the £150 lands. I've got too many other distractions right now.
  14. There is a limit on how often you can switch accounts to take advantage of new offers and I wouldn't want to have too many at once to then not be able to have one in future (if that makes sense). I'm not overly keen on having too much cash as savings at the moment as I'd rather have it invested somewhere I'd (hopefully) get a better rate of return. However, as you say there's nothing stopping me setting up with Chase as well. I've considered doing it once the £150 comes in and then reducing the amount in there to the minimum requirements (could do it now but got too much else going on).
  15. I'm a tad surprised they've not gone for a bigger name but he's a very good young coach who's been successful with Wolves and England youth teams and then won League Two. I don't think he could have turned them down as Forest Green are unlikely to be challenging in League One next season as it's a brutal league and Watford will offer him a huge payrise and the chance to compete for promotion to the Premier League. It's a gamble but getting sacked by Watford is kinda a given which shouldn't hurt his reputation too much and if he didn't take it he could be waiting 5 or more years to get another opportunity like this one as young English managers aren't offered many chances higher up the leagues. Preston poached Argyle's manager in a similar way midway through last season. Seems to be a trend developing.
  16. Do what you want. Just do it in the right thread.
  17. I often wonder if a man would ever have farts powerful enough to lift him off the ground, like some sort of hovercraft.
  18. You guys seem more obsessed with God and Christianity then the people I knew in the Catholic society at Uni. It's been multiple days and pages now.
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