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Everything posted by Enda

  1. We sold Andi Weimann for £2.5m and he was reportedly on £25k a week. Would I pay £3.5m and £25k a week (one year deal) for Adebayor? Absolutely I would.
  2. About 50,000 people were born every year in the 1930s in Ireland. In the 1950s, i.e. about the time these people were becoming adults, 40,000 people emigrated from Ireland every year.
  3. Because Spurs have players who are better than Adebayor and only have so many places in the squad.
  4. It won't sit in the bank though. Say we owe Nice £10m for Amavi. If we have to pay that today, we write a cheque for £10m today. But if we have to pay that in two years and we can get an interest rate of 5.4%, we only have to put £9m in the bank today and it will turn into £10m by the time we have to pay. Saves us a million quid. Same goes in reverse when we're selling. Of course Liverpool want to phase it over however many years. Now you're of course right that the money's not just going to sit in the bank but the point that the timing can matter still stands.
  5. Never heard of him, but he sounds like a right prick. Think he used to play for the Villa. I seem to remember he said he was loyal to us before buggering off to some other club. I really hope no other club comes knocking on the door for him. Thankfully, with how little time he's had on the pitch this season, that seems very unlikely.
  6. Not saying it's definitely true or anything, but a Google search of "javi hernandez salary" says he's on 90k a week.
  7. Modern fan (Villa fan?) syndrome right there. He's right though unless Fox put a buyout clause of £8m and a new training kit in his contract. I know you're only joking but it's unfair to blame Fox for Delph's departure. It's much, much more likely that Delph demanded it than Fox thought it was a good idea.
  8. Lads the timing does of course matter. Suppose they offer to pay half (£16.25m) today and the other half in a year. That £16.25m sitting in the bank for a year will earn in the region of £500k-£1m in interest. That's enough to pay a decent player's wages for the year.
  9. That's a relegation side. Agreed on maybe three of them. But Given and Cissokho would walk into sides better than us (Stoke/West Ham/WBA type teams). And Vlaar, Delph, Cleverley, Benteke will all play for sides pushing for Europe.
  10. Fabian Delph, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker. Fabian Delph, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker Fabian Delph, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker. Fabian Delph, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker. Fabian Delph, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker. Fabian Delph, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker. Fabian Delph, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker. Fabian Delph, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker. For ninety minutes, yes?
  11. Given Lowton Vlaar Cissokho (apparently) Delph Cleverley Weimann Bent Benteke (surely) That's the basis of an alright side. Edited to add: and eight out of the nine have played for their country. This summer is really make or break for the whole club.
  12. A mate of mine got arrested for thinking that.
  13. It's been almost exactly a week so I might as well just post this again.
  14. Not sure I believe you. Maybe though. 50/50.
  15. The first World Cup this chap remembers is 2002. He doesn't remember France '98, or Euro "Football's coming home" '96, or USA '94, or Italia '90. I'm only a few years older than the lad, but he's just made me feel old. Thanks for that, Nathan.
  16. Macron site is offering it to me for $37, which is about GBP 23.
  17. Overall this essay is a very solid effort from a promising writer. The author advances the thesis not just that the the sun shall again rise tomorrow regardless of the result against Fulham, but that there are reasonable grounds for hope for better results in the future. In a credit to his mother, the author elucidates his thoughts articulately. One line in particular struck me as one of the best I've seen from the class in several months: The thesis continued to make points in a collected, convincing manner. Most importantly I was aware of the poetic significance of the increase in quality of prose at a time of increased hope for the club as a whole. I would venture to compare this post to the signing of Idrissa Gueye, and contrast it to the posts in the era of Grant Holt and Habib Beye. I concur with the author about the glimmer of hope on the horizon. I must however encourage the author to refrain from the unattributed references to Lennon (1971). Stop it, you bastard.
  18. See if you can get in touch with a union. Do you work in the retail end of things? HR departments must follow fair procedures. If you're brought in for something "informal" that ends up in suspension, then they're on dodgy ground straight away. This is a good thing for you. Talk to Citizens Advice and also see if you can talk to a relevant union, e.g. Unite. And most importantly, don't take all this personally. Shit happens. Regardless of how this ends up, we all make mistakes and go through ups and down. You're no different a man than you were last month, and you'll be no different next month. Chin up.
  19. "I love playing for this team. I get on with everyone." Please like me. I have lots of friends.
  20. Macron have the text printed upside down, the knobheads.
  21. What's one extra place in the league worth these days, £3m? Anyone who is convinced he wouldn't score enough wouldn't score enough goals over two seasons to earn us another few points needs their head checked imo.
  22. I personally think the chap is a scrote but under TS a year ago, Adebayor scored 15 times in 30 or so matches. That's as many as Andi Weimann scored in his five years at the club, and we sold him for £2 million. Adebayor for £5m on £50k a week, in today's market, would represent great value. That's about as much as we spent on Marlon Harewood for God's sake.
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