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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Kamara needs to relax and get back into his groove. Madison will wind him up all afternoon. Calm
  2. Getting Bailey to target their new LB is a nice bit of tactical nous. Welcome to the premier league
  3. Firstly, who in the comms team thought it was a good idea to let their nursery kid provide the music here? Second, watch at ten seconds. Duran almost goes into the wrong dressing room.
  4. We must pray we don’t get any serious injuries between now and the end of the season. McGinn, Diego Carlos and Traoré coming back help us, but then we’re falling back on youth players.
  5. We need to be at them from the first whistle. They’re not a confident side so we need to unsettle them early and not let them into the game. Tielemans and Barnes will become more and more problematic if we don’t present a threat of our own. I want to see us get between the lines a bit more, create space for our creative players. They’re lightweight in the middle of the pitch so we need to control the tempo. Above all, I want to see a classic home performance - rather than is playing counter football at VP.
  6. Their owners are having a laugh. They think they’ve outsmarted FFP. Hope it comes back to bite them on the arse
  7. Hahahahahahahahahaha. The most expensive point ever taken from Craven Cottage
  8. His presser was superb. Honest and canny, but v clever. I’d love to work with this guy.
  9. Superb take, clearly expressed. We can close the thread now
  10. Lot of emotion swirling around here. If you can’t follow the poster who recommended going for a wank, may I suggest the following:
  11. Unlike a certain Liverpudlian manager, Emery can, has and will improve many of our existing players. We need to strengthen, of course, I’m confident that the manager isn’t messing about.
  12. Will be interesting to see how he responds to Unai's coaching. Recalling him in the current circumstance is a smart use of our resources: we were probably paying most of his wages anyway. If he does well, his value will go up. If not, he's offered some cover.
  13. I think he would prefer having a smaller number of players that mostly fit the bill
  14. People want a striker. Well, here he is... Be careful what you wish for: follow a plan, do what's best for the club in the long run and let's avoid the pitfalls of the past, shall we?
  15. Disappointed we won't make it to 100 pages. New Rashica?! Pah!
  16. His contract is the equivalent of having a golf ball stuck up your anus: if someone offers to take it away, you accept. Doesn’t matter what it costs. Once it’s gone, you can have some real fun.
  17. I love how the starting XI vs Stevenage is being dismantled, the institutional memory of that defeat being erased: Olsen, Cash, Chambers, Bednarek, Augustinsson; Sanson, Dendoncker, D. Luiz; Coutinho, Bailey, Ings. Chambers, Coutinho, Olsen: cheerio in the summer. Emery is ruthless as f*ck.
  18. Tier 17 due to the shambolic grammar in that tweet. I don’t mean to be a tw*t, but how the f*ck do you become a ‘journalist’ when you don’t understand how to construct a sentence? Oh, I just checked and he can’t use apostrophes either.
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