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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Jesus H. Christ: Krang from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has put on some timber.
  2. Superb post. Complexity in regulations favours the incumbents, the wealthy. Streamlining the rules in any way is imperfect, but it would close loopholes and level the field, to some extent, ready for disruption.
  3. Amazing how their fans -- so willing to threaten violence from a keyboard -- are so remarkably quiet on match days up there. I wonder how many of these ultras will be on the coach to Boreham Wood when they're playing them in the Vanarama National in a couple of seasons' time? Time to crawl back under the rocks you came from and wait for the next gravy train of glory to come into town. Probably won't be so willing to turn a blind eye to flagrant rule breaking when it isn't funding their tinpot club to the moon.
  4. So far, these rules have been a paper tiger. While that must change for the integrity of the sport, where is the evidence that this time is any different? Why won’t Citeh go to a court of sports arbitration or continue to throw their money at litigation that the league can’t afford to counter indefinitely? The reality is: money wins and that same money gets you out of the consequences. I would be v v surprised (and utterly overjoyed) if something significant did happen, but I need to see more from the League to be confident
  5. What's the next step: How will the sanctions be decided and what is the timeframe?
  6. Firesale at Citeh, then? Offer a few quid for Haaland so it's top of the inbox when they go into administration once they're expelled from the league.
  7. We’ve dominated this second half. Goal incoming.
  8. Is Vardy wearing gloves because one has bad circulation? Anyway, assuming he’ll score
  9. What’s more dazzling from Moreno, the nutmeg or his green, green eyes?!
  10. The formation is always going to give opponents some space outside. The key is that we control the ball when it comes inside. We haven’t done that well today
  11. Young injured because he has made two tackles covering for movement errors by teammates.
  12. Commentators dreaming over a layoff from Leicester but saying little when Villa go forward
  13. Ashley f-ing Young with the brave challenge there. Well done
  14. This was a candidate motto to go on the new badge
  15. Good point: bit more protection to sit in front of that fragile defensive line.
  16. Defence is all over the shop. Lack of confidence has meant we’ve lost our shape completely. It’s like we’re made of paper
  17. Do Strasbourg need a new left back who we can pay for them?
  18. Has to say how nice it is that Emery acts when he sees obvious problems.
  19. Leicester are defensively terrible. But we are, too
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