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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. McGinn ball watching. Not as active and energetic as earlier
  2. Agreed. His pace has been phenomenal. We’ve developed him nicely. If he played for Chelsea, he’d have a stupider haircut.
  3. Havertz’s beard looks like he’s fallen over in a barber shop after sniffing some glue
  4. Chilwell autocorrects to Chuk well. Read into that what you will
  5. When we’ve got going, we’ve been good. Plus, most of the time, we’ve kept the defensive shape nicely. But those suicidal passes need to stop
  6. They don’t turn up from the first minute. Our away support is drowning out the home fans.
  7. Unai has played a blinder here. He knows precisely how Potter’s Chelsea play and here’s the result.
  8. Did Doug Ellis invite what Kovacic just tried to do then? The ‘f-up volley’
  9. Superb Ezri. Stayed on his feet there. Gave Felix the eyes. Had the pace. Love it
  10. Chelsea play like their collective hair is on fire. We need to control the ball
  11. Defensively they are v v poor. That Watkins chance should give us hope
  12. Alan Wright as substitute left back. Making his come back at 51 years young.
  13. Modern football is a farce. It's alright: they will re-hire Viera when Roy fails to make the Championship playoffs next season. Roy will return once more as Viera struggles to retain Palace's Premier League status. The cycle will go on forever. Why not just save the anguish and give them both six month contracts each year? It'd be like working on an oil rig: six months on, six months off.
  14. More top quality writing on show on the local media today: ‘Aston Villa’s workmanlike win over Crystal Palace pushed them seven points ahead of those behind them in the Premier League table.’ No need to link to this dross: is any editorial work going on here? Are the writers children? Get ChatGPT on the case asap and put these people out of business
  15. The guy is like a scholar of the game: the tram will go to BMH on Monday and it’ll be like going to college or university: analysis, emphasis on tactics, actually improving those we have at the club. The contrast with his predecessor is remarkable.
  16. V v unlucky. Cut through them like butter. Left, right and now central: we can get through them at will. They are defensively so weak that they can only stay in the game with that midfield and front line press.
  17. Commentator wants to cream himself when Ayew is ten yards from the through ball
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