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Everything posted by DakotaVilla

  1. We need to score a third as looking suspect at the back
  2. Guaranteed there is going to be a huge season ticket increase. If the owners are clever - which they clearly are - let Heck take the heat for the crest and then for the huge reaction that will occur when the season ticket increases are confirmed. Then sack him in the summer.
  3. Unai is fairly straight up with the press and his comments there are very clear. It also represents a huge gamble that if Ollie stays fit a much better quality of forward becomes available if we do qualify for champions league. We could then attract a genuine world class striker that really could challenge Ollie for his spot.
  4. We would have to sell him if the offer was good enough. That’s the game. Get a sucker to buy a player at a premium when his stock is highest but his value to the team is diminishing and then replace with better. Or in a perfect world have the replacement already in the squad first.
  5. I agree Jas. Suspect they are looking for a 6 who can also play 8.
  6. RB and CM were always the priorities for this window and Unai’s comments give me confidence that we’ll go into February stronger. Hopefully we land the two players that Unai wants.
  7. It’s on the person that created the situation in the first place. Extremely poor communication from the club led to frustrations that boiled over in the stands. Poor communication is something that seems to be a constant with Mr Heck…..
  8. Yes. The first couple of home games were horrible for the amount of abuse that was directed at terrace view ticket holders.
  9. He was completely responsible for the complete lack of communication to Holte end season ticket holders in pre season regarding the Terrace View and how it would impact regular season ticket holders. He’s also completely responsible for that turning into the poisonous atmosphere where Villa fans were abusing each other for the decisions that they made to support their team. He’s also completely responsible for the lower grounds decision, as this was not in the original plan for the summer of 2023. The more I read about Heck the more I’m convinced he’s a complete dud of a hire. I doubt the crest - when released - will finish him off but it will leave him with very little - if any - credit with the vast majority of fans. Fast forward to the end of the season when we are fighting for champions league places and he announces a further 15%+ increase for season tickets next year and that’s when he’ll feel the full fury of Villa park…. And it will all be at the expense of supporting the team on the pitch during what are likely to be the most critical defining games in our modern history.
  10. I agree with the majority of the post but lack of a quality RB and cover for Kamara are huge squad issues at this level. Longer term we have huge single point of failure dependencies on Martinez and Watkins that also need to be addressed in the summer.
  11. Talk about overthinking and over reacting. This is what happens when we are 12 months into a complete rebuild and way ahead of schedule. We have an excellent 10 of a first 11 (RB aside) and depth in a couple of other positions. However the Christmas volume of games + novelty of playing anti football low block teams + suspensions + injuries + players out of form (Ramsey and Diaby) is stretching even the strongest of squads. Let’s beat Burnley and then we are still ahead of the 2 points per game average and can then spend the next two weeks getting players fit and used to different tactics for the low block teams. Hopefully Monchi can then also deliver what we need in January to capitalize on the excellent start we’ve made this season.
  12. Talk about repeating the past. Looks like we’ve definitely appointed a turd here.
  13. Based on the entirety of his time at Villa Park - particular low lights include: - Lack of transparency and communication with fans re the Terrace View. - Lack of transparency and communication with fans re the Lower Grounds. - Lack of transparency and communication with Holte End season ticket holders re access to facilities and having a pig sty of a stand on the opening day of the season; - Ticket pricing for Everton league cup game. A full VP and we probably would not have lost that game. - The abomination that is the AV 150 mark; - The abomination that is the new crest assuming that the leaked crest is real - made 1000x worse by the fact that it was him who binned the last crest; - Lack of communication and transparency with fans re the new crest resulting in a formal complaint to the FA from the FAB; - Lack of communication and transparency with the fans re the North stand. The club has provided different reasons for the decision in his video and the recent FAB meeting and all smell like BS. - Lack of urgency in resolving the kit debacle. It was obvious there was an issue in pre season and it took the press interest re the first women’s team game to get the club to start to resolve the matter. That’s quite a track record developing here and he’s only been here seven months.
  14. I said that I would keep receipts. How are you feeling about the leaked crest now?
  15. And how is sorting the branding out going so far? A blind child could have done better.
  16. Just bumping this up. When do you think he will get sacked? I’ll go for summer 2025. God knows how much damage he will have done to the clubs relationship with the fans by then.
  17. To anyone paying any attention it’s already blatantly obvious that he’s not very good
  18. If that’s the badge Heck should be sacked on the spot. It would be bad enough by itself but made 1000x worse by the fact that it was *his* choice to bin the previous badge. Let’s hope this is just someone on the wind up.
  19. Play the fittest team available and grind out the win we can then regroup in January after putting a second team out in the fa cup. I doubt Burnley will play anti football in the way Sheffield did so this should be a good chance to get back into winning ways. Hopefully a win will cap off a ridiculously successful calendar year.
  20. It’s literally his job to have good comms and relations with his customers (sorry fanbase!) so that he can maximise both customer experience and income. If you get it right, it’s a self powering dynamic. Give people stuff they actually want and be transparent in comms and they will gladly spend their money on the club, particularly during this halcyon extended honeymoon period on the pitch. Heck unfortunately though has shown an innate ability to piss the fanbase off at every given opportunity and literally disappeared off the face of the earth for a couple of months until we were about to go top of the league. He’s shown appalling incompetence in branding so far - apparently the thing he was famous for . Of course if he delivers a new branding to be proud of and is working on some kind of master plan re the stadium I’ll quite happily change my mind. All the signs at the moment though are that it will be all shite though and he’ll limp to the summer and the new commercial deals - that a one legged blind monkey could probably negotiate considering the drastic improvement on the pitch - that will be confirmed in the summer will be used as some kind of proof that this fraud knows what he’s doing.
  21. Whether we are top or not won’t change the FFP calculation for January. The only thing that will impact what we do is whether the players we have identified are available, want to join us (being top could influence that) and for what price. E.g If the number one target for RB is available for 40m and that’s what the club are happy to pay from a price point perspective they will make it happen - pronto. Re FFP they will just sell a first team player in the summer to make sure we make FFP if we don’t qualify for champions league. Every single article re the owners (and all of their actions to date) has stated their ambition. They’re obviously not going to sit on their hands if there is an opportunity to materially improve the squad and increase chances of top 4 and silverware even if that requires a gamble v player sales in the summer.
  22. Heck just doesn’t appear up to the job does he….. He’s going to get absolutely annihilated when whatever shitshow of a badge they have cooked up is shared with everyone.
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