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Everything posted by DakotaVilla

  1. It doesn’t change the calculation at all. We can’t risk not making champions league as will then have to sell one of our main players anyway (as at least one of them will have their heads turned by an existing champions league team). May as well spend the 50/60m now if the right players are willing to join at a reasonable January premium and the salaries do not blow the existing structure out of the water.
  2. Thank you for confirming you know nothing that you’re posting about. But of course it’s Diaby’s mentality that’s the problem particularly because apparently he didn’t play yesterday. WTAF.
  3. So his mentality was great for the first x number of games and then shit? Or was it that he’s always had a shit mentality? When he comes good AGAIN - after he has had proper time to adapt to the league - does that actually mean it’s your mentality that might be the problem?
  4. They shouldn’t even be enhancements. They need to be significant enhancements.
  5. The question we should be asking ourselves is whether any player identified is materially better than what we already have. The names mentioned on this thread are very good players… but we already have very good players (apart from at RB). So the question we should all ask ourselves is what kind of player would Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham sign because that’s who we are competing with now.
  6. No we would not have which was why his injury was a terrible thing but a huge blessing to the evolution of this team and the fans acceptance of this team. That’s not me hammering Ty but we’ve all seen how the absence of Pau has impacted us in the last 2 games.
  7. So who are you going to drop for Gallagher? Mcginn? Luiz?
  8. I worry you don’t understand the concept of effective root cause analysis. Admonish Kamara all you want - and of course he will learn - but unless Emi gets a handle on himself he’s going to get himself or another one of his team mates sent off sooner or later.
  9. The RB issue is so significant we should be happy to pay a premium if it’s the right player. Not every player has to be a bargain. This is not the time to play smart or mess around. Just find the highest placed target on the list that monchi has pulled together and if he’s in the top 3 or 5 on that list pay what it takes to get him in.
  10. His lazy pass changed the game completely. He’s done that against Bournemouth and others previously. Hopefully the new RB will allow Konsa to stay at CB and remedy our allergy to clean sheets.
  11. It was obvious that Ramsey should have been hauled at half time. Let alone give utd enough time to get back in the game.
  12. Kamara has his share of the blame but he was put into a situation that was 100% created by Emi’s completely unnecessary shithousery. If you don’t understand that then I worry that you don’t actually understand logic.
  13. Should be more riled by his stupid pathetic antics at brentford. They have cost us 5 points now.
  14. Can’t blame him or any of the subs for coming on so late into that shit show of a second half. For once, that’s on Emery.
  15. As I said after Sheffield he should have been benched then and a huge error from Emery in not taking him off at half time when on a yellow to tighten things up. He played OK first half but needs to be dropped for Burnley. Bring him back for FA cup.
  16. Totally shat the bed in the second half. All the warning signs were there in the last 20 min of the first half and wasn’t able to set the team up from a position of strength. Much to think about and reflect on in January.
  17. It’s not really about dealing with a setback, we know this team is resilient. This is about developing a new ability to break down teams that will increasingly sit behind the ball in a low block and try to defend for their lives for a point. Its a new challenge we’ve never ever really had to face before so might take a bit of time - and new players - to get used to. This is the hardest mile for all good teams.
  18. So he plays every game until the end of the season just because last season he played well? That’s not how things work and why sooner or later he’s going to get dropped unless performances improve to last seasons standards.
  19. He can get minutes v Burnley and in the FA Cup and play his way back into the team.
  20. You are categorically not an expert in design or branding if you serve up something this crap that even a blind dog would know is shite. It calls into question the very reason why some may have considered the guy an expert in the first place.
  21. I’d agree but he showed he’s way off the mark so surely shouldn’t start v man utd .
  22. Loanee has nothing to do with it. Get your chance you better take it or someone else is going to get that chance to take the shirt back. That’s the only way you build a successful team.
  23. There’s a lot to like about Matty Cash and he seems a lovely guy and one to definitely keep in the squad. However, he does strike me as maybe not being intelligent enough to be an Emery player in the long run.
  24. People are triggered by it because it’s just completely shit and gives zero confidence that the badge is going to be what we all want it to be. It’s also deeply worrying because apparently this is what our President Business is supposed to be the best in the world at and he dishes up something that even a 4 year old would be ashamed of.
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