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Everything posted by DakotaVilla

  1. I like him a lot but if we make champions league surely we’d be better off banking the 20m or whatever the fee is and putting it to a 40/50m player that is going to make a huge difference.
  2. It’s interesting that the crest hasn’t been announced yet as a couple of sources suggested it was imminent earlier this week. If it’s not announced by the end of next week then Heck has either seen sense or the owners have intervened in the background. The potential options re next steps probably are: - Launch the crest as planned - This is by far the worst option and they’d be stupid for even entertaining it. The complaint to the FA would escalate and the media would get hold of the story and turn it into fans v the club as there’s nothing else negative to write about the club at the moment. - Make some quick refinements to the leaked crest that make it more palatable and then give some bullshit reason that the leaked crest was never the final version. This probably appeals to heck the most. - Very quickly design some new crests based on the huge volume of fan sentiment that’s been shared online in the last week. You could then run these by the FAB for genuine input before finalizing a choice that you have confidence is going to be received well by the fanbase. - Scrap it all and stick with the new crest that was finalised last year. This would be hugely damaging for Heck so doubt it’s a realistic option. It will be interesting to see what option the club takes and how transparent they are with us about this fiasco because it will tell us all we need to know about how they intend to treat us going forward. I.e as important stakeholders that care about the club’s interests or as mugs.
  3. Bang on. Also, the brain doesn’t fully develop until most people are around 25, so there’s a lot of support, empathy and patience needed with teen's/20year olds in general….. let alone those that are professional sportsmen and have moved country and are already playing for their national team. Hopefully the senior pros are already guiding him and making it clear he’s won the lottery ticket by having a manager like Emery so early in his career. The club may also need to look at providing wider support for his family albeit im sure they are doing everything they can. Does anyone know if his agent has any other decent players on his books? Always worries me when you have single player agents with just one meal ticket always in a players ear….
  4. I’m not particularly concerned. It was a horrendous fixture list from December and add on the suspensions and injuries to Pau and Tielemans who are critical to our build up meant that after Brentford the team was heavily rotated. The team were also running on empty. Assuming Pau and Tielemans are back for Everton we should see a better performance. Hopefully with Everton at home they won’t go for the low block or at the very least the home fans get on their back if that’s the tactic they deploy.
  5. I agree with you re Duran at the moment. It’s a very difficult one. Duran’s not ideal at the moment but could be devastating in a few years. He’s clearly not happy with lack of game time as it is so either he goes on loan or we double down on him for the rest of the season ….. which would be a brave call. The easiest option would be to just loan him out somewhere where he will play and get some very experienced cover for Ollie and then reassess in the summer.
  6. I disagree. Archer is a fox in the box and that’s all he is. He’ll have a decent career but football has moved on. Emery clearly made an assessment that he wasn’t good enough to stay and that’s the only assessment that really matters. Archer was also desperate for the move so didn’t necessarily want to fight for his place either. If anything the Sheff Utd set up should see him do better as it plays to his strengths. He’d have to show a completely different side to his game here which he may do in time but is nowhere near the required quality just yet. Re Duran. Yes there’s huge room for improvement because he literally just turned 20. Imagine if Louie Barry was playing upfront for us, what would are expectations be of him?
  7. There is zero evidence. Absolutely zero to suggest that this crest was limited due to lack of investment or by cost cutting measures. This quite frankly is pocket change to Wes and Nas who are trying to build a global club network. The last thing they would do is turn around to Heck - apparently the best sports branding exec in the world according to some - and say do it on the cheap by copying the disliked Lerner badge (a fact well known within the Villa community) in our 150th anniversary year. People are for some reason are desperately trying to explain away Heck’s sheer incompetence.
  8. Archer’s hardly done anything in a team where he’s been a pretty much guaranteed starter in a move that apparently he was quite happy with. I doubt he’ll ever be good enough for us for more than the last roll of the dice striking option in the final 10 minutes of cup game or a league game v a low block team. He would have to kick on a number of levels to be able to come back and play a meaningful role. Also the comparisons with Duran are reductive. Duran is 2 years younger. If he was playing on loan at Preston right now (same age that Archer was) he’d destroy that league single handed.
  9. It’s polite to even call it that. More like “blind dog” or “preschool” hour at best. I’m genuinely speechless at how bloody bad it and the AV150 mark is and how they got through any type of internal consultation. Would suggest there may be some basis to the rumours re Heck’s authoritarian style….
  10. So now the tune is changing from Heck’s the best sports branding exec in the world and we should “trust the professionals” to he’s done a crap job to save a few quid. God save me.
  11. This still doesn’t make any sense at all. The whole rebranding exercise (under heck) + any lower costs in an amateurish phased rollout would still be more expensive than sticking with the crest that was finalised under purslow (and the club had already started updating some of branding with that crest). It would be even more amateurish if as a hugely visible business we ran three bloody crests because we hadn’t had the sense to run branded paper stock down before the crest launch. My sense is you’re just trying to create something that appears logical to explain such mind boggling incompetence when basically there is none.
  12. This makes zero sense. if cost was the primary factor then he would have stuck with the perfectly functional crest that was about to be launched. Also there is zero difference in cost between evolution of existing brand vs new brand. You still have to update *everything*. no, this was only about one thing and one thing only. President Business’ Ego and belief that he - with zero consultation with anyone - could do it better…..and we’ve all seen the quality of his output. Hopefully he’s done enough to get fired before he does more permanent damage elsewhere. That would be the only saving grace of this self inflicted ego trip of a disaster.
  13. Fantastic deal for them then. They know him better than anyone.
  14. Amen. Utd has been a shitshow of a club even before they signed him. Give Sancho some love and play him in the right system and you’ll have a very good player on your hands again. Dortmund should have offered a paltry fee and got him to agree to a half decent wage as he’ll stock will rise quickly again.
  15. It’s about time Barton was fully cancelled by football. He should have been when he put out a cigar on a youth players eye let alone when he went to prison for viciously assaulting a teenager. Complete and utter Neanderthal.
  16. What a load of rubbish. He’s a kid. he’s younger than Louie Barry. Everyone knows he’s a kid and I’m sure is getting huge leeway because of that and because of a move to a new country etc. Unsurprisingly the kid wants to play as much as possible and the only factual point made in any of the articles is that he wasn’t happy being hauled at half time in nothing games v Everton and The Europa game. Fair enough, I wouldn’t be happy with that either if I was in his shoes. Now both those games were a long time ago and since Jhon has had plenty of minutes and involvement and has made important contributions not least winning the penalty v Burnley. Emery has specifically spoken about him potentially being one of the best strikers in the world in the future. There is no way in the world the club are going to sell him unless it’s for a ridiculous premium. He may go out on loan but again what’s the point when he’s going to get plenty of game time with all the games we have. If he’s not starting today then I’ll be raising my eyebrows.
  17. Everyone makes bad hires. It comes with the territory. Owners have shown they react swiftly to this kind of stuff and get involved personally where needed so I wouldn’t be surprised if Nas takes control of this which would be hugely embarrassing for Heck. Big question is whether they still proceed with trying to drive this through having seen the reaction to the leak and the complaints to the FA…. or if they realise the smart thing to do is to pivot very quickly to a couple of options based on the fan designs and to put these out for a vote.
  18. Heck has just released his Crest V2.0……. at least it’s an upgrade!
  19. John Townley on claret and blue podcast yesterday intimated that the release was imminent in the next few days so we are still within that period. I strongly suspect there will be a pause. He would have to be as thick as pig shit and would be printing his own P45 if he hasn’t already realised that his crest is going to go down like a bucket full of cold puke.
  20. Digne has been a solid player and definitely stepped into the breach but hasn’t really created enough going forward for my liking. If selling him at a premium means we get a cheaper replacement and room in the budget in this month for Frimpong or another high quality RB then it’s a no brainer for me.
  21. I agree with the limitations that you’ve highlighted but surely the brief that you would give the designers - in addition to the specifics re lion etc etc - is create something that is scalable and practical but with a required level of elegance and class. It’s then their job to come up designs to meet the brief. It clearly must not have been in the brief at all.
  22. Our 150th anniversary is imminent. We are the original establishment club. Our history permeates through every part of Villa Park. Our crest/brand should be modern but it should just ooze class, elegance and quality. I’m not saying that the attached crest someone did online is perfect as for me it’s too busy outside of the circle but the class, elegance and quality that it conveys is in a different universe to what has been leaked.
  23. It’s 100 percent factually known that Heck canned Purslow’s badge. That didn’t come from Nas and Wes as they had already signed off last years Crest before Heck came in and binned it. They appointed a guy and backed him - as they did with Gerrard - and they’ll sack him sooner rather than later in the same way if Heck carries on doing what he wants with zero consultation with anybody.
  24. A turd only gets smellier the longer you leave it unflushed. What should concern you greatly is if something so visible and important to the identify of any modern brand can be so utterly and incompetently managed then what other incompetence is happening that’s not visible?
  25. I’m fine with the decision re North Stand. Something else is definitely cooking in the background I suspect as the timing of the new minority investment, no prior discussion with the mayor etc all, Heck being very shady in his interview all suggest something else is going on. Also it might just be a straight up roll of the dice that one year in the champions league - if we qualify - with a full stadium could see us go far in the competition and establish us in the league and the champions league for a few years to come. I can see there being reasons to delay it for a year.
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