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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. So, apparently the average time the ball is in play is 55 minutes. What is the statistical spread here? 50-60 minutes? 40-70 minutes? Just because it averages out at 55 minutes doesn't mean that all games are like that. So this means that some games might end up wildly over 90 minutes when all is said and done, and some wildly under. I'm curious how unpredictable overall match length could end up being. Right now we pretty much know to within a couple of minutes how long 95% of matches will last in total.
  2. Just listened to the Pink Floyd single. Jesus Christ. Even by their standards it's miserable and identikit sounding. Before it even started I knew what Nick Mason would be playing on the drums. And as for the twenty minute guitar solo (which is impressively squeezed into only three minutes) I'm pretty sure I've heard it at least one hundred and eleventy times in the last forty years. However ... What a genuinely wonderful gesture from the band. No complaints there, so big round of applause for them overall.
  3. Huh? Would the Alexander stadium stop being an athletics stadium? That doesn't make any sense to me at all. Really bad idea if that is being considered by anyone.
  4. Honestly, I really didn't think Everton were better. It seemed very much of a muchness to me, except Burnley could actually score goals. And Everton were literally wide open the whole game. They had no midfield presence whatsoever.
  5. I thought that was odd too. During the draw they said that the Qatar Ecuador game was going to be first. Must be something to do with the opening ceremony. Or just timings so that Qatar get the best TV slot or something.
  6. Yeah, it swung forwards and backwards all game. Overall there was very little to choose between them other than Burnley scoring three actual goals whereas Everton needed penalties to score anything.
  7. A relegation six pointer against a team that can't score goals, you're given two first half penalties and you *still* lose...
  8. Can't say I've seen much evidence of Burnley's usual thuggery in this game
  9. Please please please please do not mess this up (Getting the band back together!)
  10. Yeah, the table isn't looking great... In a couple of weeks with bad luck we could find ourselves down around 13th I reckon.
  11. I had three days off work at the end of last week with Covid. I'm back today, but that's the advantage of working from home. I'm still suffering with standard cold-like symptoms - headache, stuffed up nose, cough. Nothing too bad though. All in all, I think I've been reasonably lucky. And work are lucky I have returned today. If I'd been in an office I suspect I'd not be back for the rest of this week.
  12. Return Of The Jedi? I'm aghast enough at Star Wars even being considered sci-fi, but to then choose Return Of The Jedi? Props for Silent Running though, that's always been a favourite of mine. I think it has a few weaknesses though - the plot is really quite paper thin when you think it through.
  13. I watched some of that, had to turn over. Such horrible opinions. Can't believe she wasn't challenged over some of the things she was saying.
  14. I've been using Stagg cymbals for a while now. Much cheaper than Zildjian or Sabian and since about ten years ago they've really improved to the point that really they're just as good.
  15. Sounds probable. A lot of people have said LFT tests show up later into the illness if they are going to. I haven't done one for a few days but when my symptoms subside I might do. Not that we have many left.. and with PCR testing now effectively stopped then I guess we'll never know in future.
  16. The Norwich Brighton highlights were hilarious. Crazy that neither side could score.
  17. Yep, my postal PCR is positive. Lateral flow test never was. Still feel a bit rubbish, but overall I've been lucky and it doesn't feel much worse than the traditional winter cold for me. First night was definitely the worst. Now it's just an annoying head/throat/blocked nose thing.
  18. I'm enjoying this series of Picard. Much better than the mess of the first season. But I get the point about it being a bit joyless, that is definitely something that is missing. I liked that...
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