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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. Newcastle really is a massive game for us. If we can't pick up at least a point against a team who have been on the beach since Christmas then I fear we are royally screwed. For what its worth I think we will get that point.
  2. Don't worry about it, i'm always open to constructive criticism. The volume for me isn't an issue and I still manage to hit the exercises intensely, I guess it comes down to personal preference. I think there is a decent balance between pulling and pushing though isn't there? What would you suggest I take out and add? Bare in mind i'm only using free weights.
  3. Unfortunately even if we do stay up i fear the cycle of piss poor funding from the owner and relegation scraps are likely to continue.
  4. Here is the current upper body routine i'm trying out. Aim to hit CDT and BBF twice a week and legs once a week. Tried to make sure where possible I have as many variations of push and pull and hit the majority of my exercises as compounds. Chest/Delts/Triceps A Incline Dumbbell Press x4 Decline Dumbbell Press x4 Incline Flys x4 Kettlebell Pullover x3 Upright Row x3 Reverse Flyes x3 Shoulder Press x3 Close Grip Incline Press x3 Tricep Extension x3 Chest/Delts/Triceps B Incline Dumbbell Press x4 Flat Dumbbell Press x4 Flys x4 Kettlebell Pullover x3 Military Press x3 Lateral Raise x3 Front Raise x3 Close Grip Press x3 Tricep Kickback x3 Back/Biceps/Forearms A Deadlift x4 Shrug x4 Bent Over Row x3 Reverse Grip Bent Over Row x3 Wide Grip Barbell Curl x3 Close Grip Barbell Curl x3 Wrist Curl x4 Back/Biceps/Forearms B Sumo High Pull x4 Incline Row x4 One Arm Row x3 Romanian Deadlift x4 Incline Hammer Curl x3 Incline Bicep Curl x3 Reverse Wrist Curl x4
  5. MyFitnessPal and the barcode scanner it has is a lifesaver. I'm like you, I can either go massively over or sometimes massively under just by not tracking what i'm doing. Discipline is hard!
  6. Yeah I think YGabbana is right, I've no idea why I persist with it when as I said its been the course of a tweaked lower back twice. Dumbbells ease the strain but might as well do front raises instead.
  7. Just out of interest. Does anybody else that app 'Strong'? I find it really useful for tracking workouts/prs.
  8. Yeah, I've tried to do a very modest bulk by aiming for around 3000 calories a day. I'm enjoying my lifting though so I'll keep doing it until I feel uncomfortable because cutting is so tiresome, especially if you get to the end and the progress isn't as you'd have liked.
  9. Chest is ok, need to add in side raises for delts imo, id sack upright rows off. Add another exercise in for triceps I have side raises on the alternate day. I'm with you on Upright Rows, I've tweaked my lower back twice and both times its been from them however switching to dumbbells instead of barbell has worked. Triceps get hit a lot during the chest section but I might add in some kickbacks.
  10. I've been bulking for awhile now and thinking about starting a cut soon. I'm currently hovering around 195-200lbs and it seems to fluctuate a lot, probably due to my awful scales. I'm enjoying bulking but want to make sure I don't go crazy, i'd guess i'm at around 14-15% body fat so definitely don't want to go any higher. Started work on my new split a few weeks back and just working through and tweaking it. Might seem like a high volume but at the moment I'm not having any issues with fatigue or recovery times. I also make sure that i alternate exercises so I have both an A & B routine for each target group. Hit 30kg on the Incline Dumbbell Press yesterday for 8 reps of 4. Was well chuffed. Below is an example of a Chest/Delts/Triceps day: Incline Dumbbell Press x4 Decline Dumbbell Press x4 Incline Flys x4 Kettlebell Pullover x3 Upright Row x3 Reverse Flyes x3 Shoulder Press x3 Close Grip Incline Press x3 Tricep Extension x3
  11. The optimism and good spirits really did drop like a lead balloon didn't they.
  12. Shit, for a second there I thought i'd stepped into the Paul Lambert thread. I do miss it.
  13. Pretty sure the guys legacy is shot to ribbons anyway. 'I'm what you call the custodian. There have been plenty of custodians of Aston Villa since 1874 and if I can't make it work, I will do what the others did, move on and let someone else try.' The sooner he acts upon his own words the better.
  14. Got the Westwood agenda part then stopped reading.
  15. Don't think he was that bad yesterday. He dwells on the ball too much and in a 2 man midfield he is probably expected to do more than he is capable of. The guy is a classic defensive midfielder who should pass the ball within 2 touches, if he starts that and is played in his correct position then he will remain an asset.
  16. Worst thing about relegation is that we will probably be stuck with Randolph for the long term.
  17. It's definitely going to take time for Sherwood to turn this around and without having a transfer window available between now and the end of the season he needs to get to know the players he does have quickly. There were some bizarre decisions from him today, namely Weimann on the wing, leaving Gabby on and not recognising that Stoke were overrunning us in the midfield. To me that is tactical naivety, I honestly thought we'd seen the last of Andi out wide. There also needs to be more variety to our play rather than just lumping it up to Benteke and hoping it sticks. The term 'Must Win' gets thrown around a lot and today wasn't a must win, more of a must not lose game but with a part time Newcastle team next it now becomes even more vital.
  18. Well, this is true. Lambert should have gone after that awful run at the beginning of the season. Confidence died then and it's been a long hard slog since. Yeah I believe so too now. More time was needed for the new manager. Or, you know, it could just make no difference either way. Or that.
  19. Well, this is true. Lambert should have gone after that awful run at the beginning of the season. Confidence died then and it's been a long hard slog since. Yeah I believe so too now. More time was needed for the new manager.
  20. It's going to take awhile to really turn this around, unfortunately I think we might just run out of time this time around.
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