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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. Sounds like an ABBA song. Gabby, Gabby, Gabby, plays so poorly, at St James' Park.
  2. At the moment we seem have struck the right balance of passing styles. Promising.
  3. Very rarely is there any conviction in our shots.
  4. Couldn't disagree more, Hutton was abusing the linesman, no call for that at all. That's because it wasn't a foul to begin with and it was the linesman that made the call.
  5. This looks like a mid table nothing class, except one team is actually fighting for their lives.
  6. So lets be honest here, all Sherwood has told them to do is go longer more often.
  7. Now that is a bizarre lineup however he has spent the whole week with them so maybe he has seen something. If we get turned over today though i'll really start to believe we are down because Newcastle are primed for the beach already.
  8. Put a quid on Villa at 10/3 for shits and giggles.
  9. How Dumb, Stupid and absolutely useless do you have to be to make mistake after mistake and Spunk 200 Million + Even most of us on here know that 4-4-2 or 3-5-2 or 4-3-3 = 11 I dont understand... (none of those sums make 11, or is that the point?!) Not sure if serious ?! 4-4-2= -2 3-5-2 = -4 4-3-3 = -2
  10. Well if he is comparing it to the ratio of his predecessor then it is a good ratio. Glad there's optimism from the fans, but this kind of stuff is very worrying. What did he say? i've got no sound at work "Managed 1 game, scored 1 goal, that's a good ratio"
  11. Exactly. The current players might have experience over them but if they aren't doing the business then that experience counts for nothing.
  12. Be honest, you used the word naive twice so you could put the fancy diaeresis didn't you.
  13. Nah, We just aren't that lucky. He'll be here even when he has run us into League 1.
  14. A quick question though. Some leg exercises have an emphasis on the back and are pulling movements. Would they be added to the back ratio even if the back is a secondary muscle?
  15. So I've been looking into it and jb is absolutely right in terms of the back to chest ratio being 2:1. I've been lifting for 3 years now and always followed other people's programmes and the balance of back to chest always seemed to be 1:1 on those which is crazy when you think of the size of the back compared to the chest. Definitely going to reconfigure my workout plan although I actually think my back to chest development is fairly even at the moment, In the long run the ration of 2:1 is much more sound. Cheers JB.
  16. Don't worry about it, i'm always open to constructive criticism. The volume for me isn't an issue and I still manage to hit the exercises intensely, I guess it comes down to personal preference. I think there is a decent balance between pulling and pushing though isn't there? What would you suggest I take out and add? Bare in mind i'm only using free weights. Surely volume that high would impair your recovery, even if you don't necessarily realise? Especially if you're doing those workouts twice a week. How long do those sessions take to complete?! I'll be honest and say that 90% of the advice I give people is based on mistakes I've made myself. I made great progress when I cut the number of exercises I did in a session but did say, 4-6 sets and hit them hard. Gave me more scope for switching things up! With regards pulling and pushing, you are doing 14 sets of presses in your CDT workouts and only 6/7 rowing variations in your BBF sessions (no mention of rep ranges). If anything, that ratio should be reversed. You're doing pretty much the same number of sets for biceps as you are for upper back... Also, doing different grip barbell rows in the same workout seems a bit pointless to me (and quite taxing on the lower back). I'd save that switch for different workouts. I'm going back to personal preference (again) but I do very little direct shoulder work now other than dead-stop/incline lateral raises and some rear delt stuff, with the occasional set of front raises, and if anything, they've grown and feel 10x better. There also don't seem to be any vertical pulls to balance out the overhead pressing. Cheers JB, Definitely going to take your advice on board. Routines honestly don't take that long but maybe because I workout mostly at home so time isn't as much of an issue. Recovery isn't an issue either. Tbh I enjoy lifting weights so the more I can do of it the better for me.
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