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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. I did read a post that stated "I'm never getting behind him, he's a charlatan" or words to that effect. I don't get the need for making it personal. I don't care if our manager is the biggest tosser going (And I mean any manager, not just Sherwood), as long as he is good for the club and helps us to progress.
  2. I'm so excited for the weekend. Haven't felt this way in ages!
  3. Obviously doesn't know about the imperious Phillipe Senderos then.
  4. Anyone got the link for the AVTV one? Unless my eyes deceive me I canny find it.
  5. It sounds feasible tbh, I can't imagine him taking any shit but I'd like to think he has had a proper sit down with Fox about not only this season but the future seasons and is fully aware of what he will have to spend.
  6. Not as if we have to get rid of half a dozen guys - there's barely anyone there as it is. Marshall seemed to be quite complimentary of Sherwood's approach at half time. Perhaps he's angling for a job in the new regime. That's what I meant, We need pretty much need an entire backroom staff brought in.
  7. It's a contradiction because putting on muscle requires you to feed your muscles so to speak. If you are running so much you'll have to make sure you cover the calories burned from that or your body will be struggling for the nutrients needed to build muscle, as is my understanding.
  8. It'll be interesting to see just who he does bring in for his backroom staff. We need a complete overhaul in the department that's for sure.
  9. I actually didn't get what your original points was tbh. What I was saying is MOTD making a big deal about the change in attacking intent after half time is irrelevant because they know just as little as we do in terms of what was said by Sherwood and how it helped the team. We should be happy with the win and the way we did it and look forward to seeing what Sherwood can do in the next few games when he as the team to himself for a longer period of time. Sorry, it seemed as though your original post implied that we shouldn't be talking about Sherwood's influence over said performance. In the Tim Sherwood thread. No, not at all. I just meant I don't need MOTD to try and tell me things that they actually don't know anything about. I'm 100% behind Sherwood, I want to get carried away. I don't even care if we lose against Stoke tbh as long as there is clear intent there to go and win the game in a positive way and hopefully leave this god awful tippy tappy shit behind.
  10. What MOTD have to say is utterly irrelevant. We should all just be happy that we played reasonably well, won the game and scored some goals whether you think Sherwood helped or not. What a strange comment in the Tim Sherwood thread, after a much better half following his first proper interaction with the team. Not at all, they know nothing about what was said and whether it changed the outcome of the game. We should just be thankful that the change has been made and things are hopefully on the up. Well they do know what was said because Shay Given told us all and we don't know for sure but common sense tells you it had an effect. The pundits showed examples of positive play, midfielders getting in the box and players close to benteke in the area. All things we've seen very little of. Now we don't know 100% if Sherwood had an effect on that but its seems a massive coincidence if he didn't. I'm actually not getting into this debate with you because I actually think it may well have had some impact so just to clarify. I couldn't care less what MOTD say about anything, We won the game, scored a couple of goals and there is a positivity around the place which is excellent, I don't need MOTD to tell me that.
  11. What MOTD have to say is utterly irrelevant. We should all just be happy that we played reasonably well, won the game and scored some goals whether you think Sherwood helped or not. What a strange comment in the Tim Sherwood thread, after a much better half following his first proper interaction with the team. Not at all, they know nothing about what was said and whether it changed the outcome of the game. We should just be thankful that the change has been made and things are hopefully on the up.
  12. I actually didn't get what your original points was tbh. What I was saying is MOTD making a big deal about the change in attacking intent after half time is irrelevant because they know just as little as we do in terms of what was said by Sherwood and how it helped the team. We should be happy with the win and the way we did it and look forward to seeing what Sherwood can do in the next few games when he as the team to himself for a longer period of time.
  13. Watch MOTD have to say is utterly irrelevant. We should all just be happy that we played reasonably well, won the game and scored some goals whether you think Sherwood helped or not. This is the Sherwood thread isn't it? No.
  14. Yeah, with a bloody toothpick in his mouth the whole time!
  15. What MOTD have to say is utterly irrelevant. We should all just be happy that we played reasonably well, won the game and scored some goals whether you think Sherwood helped or not.
  16. There was hope of a united Villatalk. That hope was just a bloody ridiculous idea.
  17. Check out Demitri's video post on the previous page. Sherwood talks about it in the post match press conference.
  18. 1) Find a good beginner plan, Muscleandstrength.com has some good ones. 2) Start actually tracking your food intake using myfitnesspal. Find out how much you need to eat for maintenance and add 200 calories to it to feed your muscles. Aim for a gram of protein per pound of body weight. 3) Muscle building and high cardio are counter intuitive I believe though so i'd seriously consider what you want to go for. 4) Enjoy it. 5) Get other opinions because this may all be bullshit.
  19. Really looking forward to seeing him celebrate like that again against Stoke! It scares me how optimistic I am now.
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