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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. I canny fault the lads, they were excellent. We go again.
  2. How long will blaming Lambert go on for?
  3. Why do all our crosses seem to deflect away or hit the first man.
  4. Next weeks sessions will be about getting in and around him when he occasionally knocks it down i'd imagine.
  5. Is Weimann seriously playing on the wing?
  6. Great goal from Sinclair then the nervousness set it. Not used to seeing Villa come out strong in the second half, hopefully we will see that now.
  7. Why would he be? Because everything is Lamberts fault. Don't you know.
  8. Now that is some bullshit defending right there.
  9. Honestly thought that was Benteke. What a header!
  10. I think we are a fairly patient bunch to be honest with you and to suggest anyone will want him out after todays game is incorrect IMO.
  11. I'm hoping we don't need him and by that I mean hopefully Sherwood can get Benteke, Andi and Gabby firing so we can nurse him back slowly. Can't wait to see him in a Villa shirt again.
  12. Cracking decision to bring back K Mac. My optimism is going through the roof. Europa league here we come!
  13. I got the Villa sweats a day early.
  14. I hope everyone has this attitude at the moment. I don't think he should have to prove anybody to be "wrong" about his appointment Well he clearly does, DK for one. I mean your comment about hoping everybody has that attitude, I'd rather not have everybody thinking Sherwood is going to fail but hoping he proves them wrong. I'd rather just see what happens, none of us know how this is going to go. TBH, I read DK's comment as giving him the benefit of the doubt, hoping for him to do well and to prove him wrong for not wanting him. I believe that at the very least is what everyone should be thinking. We need to be behind him and the team 100% even if he wasn't some peoples first choice.
  15. I hope everyone has this attitude at the moment. I don't think he should have to prove anybody to be "wrong" about his appointment Well he clearly does, DK for one.
  16. I hope everyone has this attitude at the moment.
  17. If anything I'd hope Sherwood would pick the players based on what he sees in training this week. I'm sure he will - but then there's no guarantee that Guzan has been better in training, is there? I just don't see why everyone is getting so het up in this thread - he'll pick the team he wants to pick. Then we watch, see how it goes over 90 mins, and then work out where to go from there. Everyone seems determined to get upset about things that not only haven't turned out badly, but haven't even yet happened. I didn't say Guzan would be better in training. What i'm saying is it would make more sense for Sherwood to pick his team based on what he sees in training rather than one cup game, whether it be Guzan or Given that starts. Also I don't think anybody is getting het up. They are just pointing out that Given hasn't done anything to displace Guzan.
  18. If anything I'd hope Sherwood would pick the players based on what he sees in training this week.
  19. Good point but Guzan didn't play because it was a cup game. It would be unfair to continue with Given when the only reason Guzan didn't play is because of rotation, not form or injury. Also, Guzan is a lot better.
  20. How can a managers first game be considered must win? That's really unfair and puts a hell of a lot of pressure on him.
  21. Midfield of Cleverley, Westwood, Delph, Richardson and Sanchez
  22. What did Mark Robson used to be? The former Mark Robson! Can't you read? Damn, ballsed it up. Should have said what is he now!
  23. See, I had to actually check if it was him or not because I couldn't accept that it wasn't Martin Skrtel.
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