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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. It will be a strange signing if he happens. Why would he come to us? Or is he not as good as we think and nobody else is in for him?
  2. Hutton was poor that season but no worse than other players in the same position since. Fans just expect more considering his fee and wages.
  3. I think what the majority expect is the reason a new owner is not going to arrive anytime soon. The task has become too large.What do you mean? The club is financially self sufficient, in the black perhaps. In the premier league too, second largest catchment area in the country with virtually no realistic competition. What's the job? The job is making us a top 6 team again at the very least. This will require a lot of investment in addition to 200M already spent purchasing the club.
  4. Before you get it check out topcashback website. I got £100 back just for buying a contract through that site. I can PM you a referral link if interested? Thanks mate. I am a member both topcashback and quidco and was planning on using it. Thanks anyways. No worries. It's surprising how many people haven't heard of it or think it's a scam. I've had over £300 cash back yet people I tell won't use it. I've used both and seem to have been severely short changed by both. But this is off topic. Have you complained? I complained about only getting £50 when owed £100 and they credited me with with £100 on top of the £50. This is cashback.
  5. Before you get it check out topcashback website. I got £100 back just for buying a contract through that site. I can PM you a referral link if interested? Thanks mate. I am a member both topcashback and quidco and was planning on using it. Thanks anyways. No worries. It's surprising how many people haven't heard of it or think it's a scam. I've had over £300 cash back yet people I tell won't use it.
  6. Before you get it check out topcashback website. I got £100 back just for buying a contract through that site. I can PM you a referral link if interested?
  7. So would it not bother you to go india and see Indian's outnumbered or go to Jamaica and see black people outnumbered? Not that would ever happen of course. I work in quite an international organisation and we have alot of visitors from people within the same company from places like china, estonia, hungary, brazil, etc. Every single one of them, no exaggeration, has commented on being shocked by the amount of foreign people in Birmingham. I admitely tell them to hush so not to get into trouble. They cant get their heads round this issue being such a 'taboo' to being openly discussed in public especially an office environment. Out of interest in terms of colour what is the colour of a Brazilian?
  8. I would say this sounds more extreme than it really us. A lot of the traditional non 'White British' that make up these numbers are born and bred in this country. They identify themselves as British. In addition to this big City's are still very much segregated in areas. Asians or non British will all be packed in to smaller generally inner city areas where the surrounding area's are generally White British. They are not about to feel alienated in their own country let alone resort to war over it.
  9. I don't see now Lambert can take the blame when he didn't sign him. He was brought to a club that had finished 6th three seasons in a row so probably thought there was ambition to push on. It's Lerner who is to blame for that not happening.
  10. depends where you go tbf .. Up North they are a bit set in their ways and the jukebox will turn off and silence greets any stranger walking in a pub but down in the friendly South you'll get a better reception You're joking right? From my experience people in the Midlands and the North are a lot more friendlier than people from the South. In particular London.
  11. This is actually a good point. There is so much doom and gloom because our expectations are so high. As time goes by we will be grateful for promotions and relegation survival like the rest.
  12. Not really. He was the best player for Charlton when they got relegated and helped turn us around when we were really struggling. You can afford for the striker to be a luxury player precisely because he is a striker. Maybe he has just lost it then? We can't afford any player to be a luxury player. We're not good enough.
  13. His goals to game ratio with us is better than most of the squad So was Nil Lampteys.
  14. You not an Apple fan? I got my missus the HTC one a while back and gotta admit it's a very nice phone.
  15. That's all Kozak does as well though From what I've seen of Kozak I agree which is why I'm not a fan.
  16. Maybe but I do think people are getting over optimistic about Joe Cole if last season is anything to go by.
  17. I heard some factoid on the radio the other day to the effect that in most European countries, the younger generation are better educated and have a broader general knowledge than their parents, but in Britain the reverse is true. Make of it what you will. Britain is a shit country that is going to the dogs. I think that's well established. Er, no, I don't think it is, actually. I think the debate on Britain and the state it is in, good or bad deserves a thread of it's own. It's a really good and the opinions of people on this interest me greatly. I won't start it though. I would like this thread too but will also not start it. Why do so many people things this country is going down hill? Also to keep on topic - the amount of sarcasm on this site and the fact it becomes catching.
  18. Lucas Moura is a £38m player and he didn't get a look in. If they appoint a coach with arse-elbow differentiation ability the squad choices might be a bit better. I was so annoyed with him not taking Felipe Luis and Miranda I forgot all about Lucas Moura. What a plonka 'big Phil' is.
  19. Everyone knows Darren Bent is a goalscorer yet nothing else. He is a luxury player. Put him in a team with 9 other quality outfield players or a team playing well and he will make the runs and score the goals. Put him in a struggling team and they may as well be playing with 10 men.
  20. I wonder if Felipe Luis can make the Brazil squad now he £20M player.
  21. I think what the majority expect is the reason a new owner is not going to arrive anytime soon. The task has become too large.
  22. Finally started watching Game of Thrones Saturday. I'm now on the 3rd season. It's taken over my life!
  23. I'm sure they were they just had nowhere to moan about it.
  24. I think if he is to leave the transfer fee will be realistic considering his age, reputation, experience and the fact he has 1 year left on his contract. I can see it being around 6-8M.
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