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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. It must be a sign... Ahem. I just hope Lerner and Parking aren't poles apart in their valuation of the club. I heard he has given away many tickets to fans in the past.
  2. If Dawson is shit what does that make Baker, Clark and Senderos?
  3. I think the mods need to clamp down on this type of speculation.
  4. This has happened before right? How did it end then?
  5. Asked him lately? Don't need to. He is a very successful business man. Why would he buy Aston Villa?
  6. Why did the washing machine laugh? It was taking the piss out the pants
  7. I'm pretty sure Mickey Arison isn't interested.
  8. I don't think it matters. If you can survive 8-0 defeats, humiliation to league 1 clubs over 2 legs and the worst home record in our history. You can survive anything. Lerner will never sack Lambert.
  9. The West Wing is still up there with the greatest programmes ever if you've not seen it I haven't seen it. Another added to the list. Nice one.
  10. Cheers guys. Will check them out. Edit: forgot to add Rome to the earlier list. Quality.
  11. I'd say on the whole the majority of fans know that considering the circumstances getting rid of Lambert wouldn't be the answer. We really do need to stop losing so many games at home though.
  12. I hope his brother is right and he really is that good. I've never seen anything to suggest it.
  13. Breaking Bad is as good as any of them, phenomenal TV. You seen anything on the same level as Breaking Bad not mentioned above?
  14. I would put Sopranoes, The Wire and GoT up there as some of the greatest TV I've ever seen. Broadwalk Empire slightly behind. There are others that are good like Dexter, Breaking Bad, Tru Blud etc but they are more to just pass the time. I need to find another program on the same level as the Sopranos etc Any suggestions?
  15. Maybe, just maybe part of your feelings as previously expressed contribute to that impression? Maybe as well as, or instead of expecting or wanting Muslim communities to "demonstrate their goodness" to paraphrase you, you could kind of actively take an interest in them You would get a punch for looking in the direction of certain youngsters. Let alone asking them a question. As I mentioned preciously and something Rugely has commented on. It's not Islam or a Muslim community that is the problem. It's a drug fuelled youth filled with hatred.
  16. I don't like Cricket. The British gave us the wrong sport.
  17. The 1st generation aren't a problem Trent. It's the 2nd and 3rd that carry a massive chip on their shoulders.
  18. Where I live the youth seem to thrive on being segregated. They love the 'us against the world' mentality and excuse to act like hoodlums. As if they have no other choice. They give Islam a bad name.
  19. From your perspective, do you think Britain is great? Sorry got distracted by famous quotes. Yes Britain is great but I do think gambling laws have become way too lax. It's everywhere! Gambling is a disease and destroys lives. Yet advertisements are in your face 247. Government and gambling corporations continue to prospers while people's lives and families detoriate. New thread?
  20. If there's grass on the wicket, let's play cricket - Geoffrey Boycott
  21. I have a question if you don't mind? I was once told that in some countries such as India and Pakistan, young Muslim boys are given a pet goat which they keep until they grow fond of it.Then the goat is slaughtered and they are made to watch to desensitise them. Is there any truth in this at all? (Btw even if this was true I'm not judging any sort of practise, just curious).
  22. I didn't think the ape film was anywhere near as good as the first one.
  23. I was thinking about Lambert's signings and if we were to sell all of them today would we recoup what was spent? Makes a change from previous managers doesn't it?
  24. As much as I think Lerner has damaged the club I was just thinking back to defining moments over the years. I think one of them was keeping Gregory and giving him large backing instead of getting an experienced manager in. The right man at that time could have got us in to the Champions League that season. If only we got Wenger or even Moyes instead of keeping Gregory.
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