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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. If hes offered and not signed lambert should say if he dosnt want to be here its up to him. Vlaar was given a chance in pl he would not be worth much if hed stayed at feyenoord. Also if he had a shite wc we would still want him to stay. The takeover is not coming anytime soon according to ssn roughly half n hour ago i think we need vlaar more than he needs us. Yeah he's had a great time in the Premier League instead of challenging for titles in Holland. Although he has probably earned a lot more here.
  2. I saw a soccer centre in Brampton so went down to check it out and show them how it's done. Unfortunately it was closed. The one on Sandalwood and Dixie? It is only used during the winter for 6-aside. Are you from around Brampton? Yeah I think that's the one. Why is it only used in Winter? My in-laws live there so went a couple of years back. Nice place. Is that where you are?
  3. Has been stealing a living for 4 years, has had about 4 good games in his career with 12 months left on his deal and now wants a big fat pay rise. I actually feel sorry for Sunderland. The guy is a right cock. He kept them up.Deserves a pay rise. Not sure f serious.I'm serious. If I turned up to work 1 month in 4 years but in that month I saved the company millions I'd expect a pay rise. Well, if you're being serious, that's not right. Football contracts - like all contracts - are promises of reimbursement for work to be performed in the future. If all they want to do is say 'thank you', they can buy him a present. But he could probably get paid more elsewhere. Well, sure. There might be some mugs somewhere who are happy to award a guy a pay-rise because he performed for 5% of the time for his previous employer. But given he did 3.75 years of jack shit followed by a little bit of greatness at the end, we can either surmise he's brilliant but lazy (ie. unreliable), or useless but lucky (ie. a poor investment). Somebody who performed at 50% of Wickham's best, but did it throughout the lifetime of the contract, would in fact be a much better investment. Was he ever given a real chance though under MON?
  4. The thing with this Pelle is we've seen it before...Afonso Alves, Kezman, Babel, even Kuyt was only a success in England after being converted to a right midfielder. He scored one Seria A goal so I think that's worth reflecting on. Where was Suarez from again?
  5. It makes me sick to see Spurs and Evertons squad next to ours.
  6. I saw a soccer centre in Brampton so went down to check it out and show them how it's done. Unfortunately it was closed.
  7. I doubt either of it to be honest. The attraction is the Premier League and ££££.
  8. Spurs have got waaaaay to many players. I'd take any of them on loan.
  9. Because you're the bent fork of a fork. I beg your pardon!?
  10. This but Grealish instead of Bacuna and El Ahmadi instead of Westwood.
  11. For us hes a decent signing, i only saw him once last year against Real he didnt play in the other game and obviously the WC and i think hes exactly what we need. I'm excited because it's a position we need and he sounds the right type of player but as I know nothing about him and have never seen him play i'm just wondering how good he actually is. Sometimes you're only as good as the players around you. I'd actually like to see him, KEA and Delph in the middle. We need players that can press and Westwood isn't that good at it in my opinion.
  12. Has been stealing a living for 4 years, has had about 4 good games in his career with 12 months left on his deal and now wants a big fat pay rise. I actually feel sorry for Sunderland. The guy is a right cock. He kept them up.Deserves a pay rise. Not sure f serious. I'm serious. If I turned up to work 1 month in 4 years but in that month I saved the company millions I'd expect a pay rise. Well, if you're being serious, that's not right. Football contracts - like all contracts - are promises of reimbursement for work to be performed in the future. If all they want to do is say 'thank you', they can buy him a present. But he could probably get paid more elsewhere.
  13. Now we got concrete at the back and a rock in the middle surely we will be more solid!
  14. Has been stealing a living for 4 years, has had about 4 good games in his career with 12 months left on his deal and now wants a big fat pay rise. I actually feel sorry for Sunderland. The guy is a right cock. He kept them up. Deserves a pay rise. Not sure f serious. I'm serious. If I turned up to work 1 month in 4 years but in that month I saved the company millions I'd expect a pay rise.
  15. Has been stealing a living for 4 years, has had about 4 good games in his career with 12 months left on his deal and now wants a big fat pay rise. I actually feel sorry for Sunderland. The guy is a right cock. He kept them up. Deserves a pay rise.
  16. Has been stealing a living for 4 years, has had about 4 good games in his career with 12 months left on his deal and now wants a big fat pay rise. I actually feel sorry for Sunderland. The guy is a right cock. He kept them up.
  17. Didn't know he was a Columbia graduate. Ha. I thought it looked wrong but couldn't work out why. We need more academics in the the team!
  18. Oh him! Yeah I seen this player last season in La Liga. He quite the no nonsense midfield. I kept imagining a fair bald bloke for some reason.
  19. Of course. Don't blame you for thinking we lost considering the season we had.
  20. It's you who needs to understand the reality. You are the occupying army. You live on stolen land, denying basic human rights to the people whose land and property you have stolen, whose livelihoods you destroy, whose children you routinely murder. Please don't come this victim shite. It doesn't wash. You're not the victim, you're the jackbooted oppressors. So what are Israel meant to do? Give back the entire area and all move to America? There will never be a solution to this as long as the intentions of Hamas are to wipe out Israel.Are you aware that Israel keeps encroaching on Palestine, year by year, month by month, day by day? By force? By theft and murder? You speak as though there were two settled states, and one seeks the destruction of the other - but you seem to misunderstand which is effecting the destruction of the other. I find it laughable that supporters of Israel fasten on to a couple of paras in a document to argue that Hamas seeks the destruction of Israel, when lived reality every day demonstrates that Israel is achieving the destruction of Palestine, and the genocide of the Palestinian people. I'm not a supporter of Israel. I can only go by what I see and read. You seem to know quite a lot. Have you lived in Israel or Palestine and experienced what is happening first hand? What do you feel is the solution?
  21. It's you who needs to understand the reality. You are the occupying army. You live on stolen land, denying basic human rights to the people whose land and property you have stolen, whose livelihoods you destroy, whose children you routinely murder. Please don't come this victim shite. It doesn't wash. You're not the victim, you're the jackbooted oppressors. So what are Israel meant to do? Give back the entire area and all move to America? There will never be a solution to this as long as the intentions of Hamas are to wipe out Israel.
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