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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. Unless it was a game like monkey island which had about 15 discs. I was constantly swapping disks as walked through different screens.
  2. A spectrum and a commodore? Weirdo. I went spectrum 128K, Atari, gameboy, Amiga 500, SNES and rounders bat, PS1, PS2, PS3. PS2 and PS3 were both gifts from ex girlfriends. Too girls.
  3. Rugeley it really isn't that simple. A lot of the problems today in the Middle East were caused by the West.
  4. Nah that could be awkward. Just make a move on her when you're both drunk. She will react how you want and then you have a f**k buddy. Trust me on this one. Unless you want more? Nah don't really want more I just don't wanna get into a mess with it really. I want to know what it is and where it's going basically. Bottle of vodka, lemonade, lime cordial, ice, 2 glasses, you'll know by the end of the night.
  5. I swapped my Amiga and all the games for a SNES and a rounders bat. The bat clinched the deal
  6. Nah that could be awkward. Just make a move on her when you're both drunk. She will react how you want and then you have a f**k buddy. Trust me on this one. Unless you want more?
  7. Wouldn't be funny if LVG screws up Man U like he did Barca. Didn't they finish 10th under him? Man U have been punching above their weight for years. Fergie could make average players look awesome and the referee decisions each year were normally worth about 20 points. It's a level playing field now and Man U are slowly getting left behind. End of an era. About F'ing time!
  8. Sorry Trent. Clare has that affect on me.
  9. There's a Steven Pinker book, The Better Angels of Our Nature, in which he shows the number of deaths by violence (as a proportion of population) has been declining for centuries. Don't know how accurate it is as I'm too lazy to read its 1000+ pages. That's not actually that surprising when you think of how many wars there have been over the years and the amount of men that must have died on battlefields. When we see atrocities committed by ISIS and other so called terrorist organisations we find it hard to comprehend how humans are capable of such acts. That is because we have not lived through war. We haven't had our families killed before our own eyes. We haven't suffered years of persecution by brutal regimes. Think of the psychological damage inflicted on people growing up in these places. War can make people do things they would never dream of.
  10. I think I love Clare. She is pretty hot to be honest. And a posh Surrey girl. Take that as you wish. I just knew it!
  11. When I was a kid I played Leisure Suit Larry on my Amiga. What a little Perv I was.
  12. Our recent history is poor against most managers.
  13. Yeah I think he has finally realised if he wants to sell the club he needs to get it in a better state then it has been.
  14. So are you saying those things do equal each other? Because they clearly don't. Also, saying the football decisions are his doesn't contradict anything he or Hutton have subsequently claimed. The bomb squad were clearly dropped for financial and not footballing reasons. I'm saying that the decision to play Lowton over Hutton straight away, without any rotation or bedding-in period, suggests that there was a clear plan to freeze out high-earners. It seems likely that that plan was agreed with Lambert. It's not like Lowton started out playing amazingly that season. And yes, as mentioned above, Bent and N'Zogbia played a few games here and there, but it wasn't that long before Bowery was making the bench ahead of Bent. Holman barely played either. I don't think the idea that there was a plan to freeze out high earners, that Lambert signed on to, is really that wild or hard to believe. I may be alone in thinking this but I think Hutton was told to leave as a way to win over the fans. He was poor in that season but really had been made a scapegoat by the fans along with the rest of the back 4. I personally think Collins is head and shoulders above Clark and Baker and Warnock was better than Bennett. I didn't hear many fans complaining at the time when they were forced out. The majority seemed to think it was the right call.
  15. Who's base? Base is Tom Hanks?
  16. In india the have a little water squirted attached to the toilet. Here Indians use a bottle of water.
  17. That's cos it's on TV, won't be a sellout that's for sure. Will be a tough game I think, 'castle looked good going forward on Sunday and I think they'll cause us problems so will be a real test for this new look defence. I think it'll be too soon for Sanchez, I would put Bent in for N'Zog and put Gabby wide, only change I'd make personally unless Joe Cole is fit and then maybe I'd toy with putting him in, not sure who ahead of though If N'Zog is to be dropped I'd like to see Grealish replace him. One thing that stood out last week was the hard work put in all by all players. Just can't see Bent putting in the same shift.
  18. 3 points please. Let's get them on the board before that dreadful run of games. Newcastle will be looking to avoid 2 defeats in a row so will probably take a draw.
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