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Everything posted by LancsVillan

  1. Prefer If you dribble the ball, then hit a brick wall that's Okore
  2. It will be awarded again and as mark359 said it will be pre season
  3. Don't tell him, he'll stalk you forever and inject Yorkshire tea in your ass whilst you sleep
  4. LancsVillan


    So if I were to buy a tablet (Nexus - possibly) with 3G capabilities then the way to go is £12 a month via the VT link, for unlimited net access - nice. Now to find the money for a tablet (nexus/fonepad......)
  5. Cheers both will have a look. So far I have cobbled one together in Word... And although functional it's pretty poor
  6. I have volunteered to help raise funds for my son's School Trip next year and will be doing a couple of things. Car Boots - which worked well last night we did this sort of thing, including some items donated by members on here. Auction of Promises - which is an auction of services, prizes etc (e.g. I will be offering up a free Taxi transfer to either Liverpool / Manchester) But the tricky one for me is the Race Night as per title. I have no graphic design skills and was wondering if anyone on here knew of some decent easy to use software for tickets and poster. There are a few 'free' ones I looked at but they all stamp the poster/tickets which looks crap Cheers and TFL Al
  7. Now second. Easy way to win would be to Facebook a "a vote for Paul is a vote for God' and watch the Americans flood in
  8. Excellent professional win from such young lads
  9. LancsVillan


    That pirate ship gave me big blister one Xmas day. Never had Lego or playmobil myself but did enjoy playing with AJs when he got some.
  10. Just checked and our only win with JB in the side was at Sunderland where he came off after 11 minutes!!! The similarity with Gareth Bales start at Spurs is rising
  11. I don't venture into the political threads very often, but to see some of the childish baiting then responses above maybe I should do it more often. If you think that is aimed at you, then you're probably right. Posts removed.
  12. LancsVillan


    We're off to Malcesine end of May, thanks for the info above.
  13. I'll keep looking at this but Thursdays are a no no for sure.
  14. Good summary Shillz but a tad harsh on Westwood I feel, thought 1st half he was trying his utmost to play the Newcastle midfield pretty much on his own. Second half he looked far more comfortable with more options when we had the ball, indeed, second half indicated to me that given a big strong partner and we have a real player on our hands, the vision to even see Benteke for one run was something others only dream of. Also on Baker, he made a couple of good runs second half only to see BB giving him one of those floaty chips BB likes that let the defender get back into position.....
  15. Last time we did that it didn't end well did it!
  16. For the last time HE never sold the Browns, it isn't his money alone, it is the Lerner families and therefore goes into the Lerner Trust.
  17. Guzan Lowton Vlaar Baker Bennett Clark N,Zogbia Westwood Agbonlahor [ Weimann Benteke Harsh on Stevens but I still think Bennett is a better player. Though wouldn't be too bothered if Enda retained his place
  18. Guzan Lowton Vlaar Clark Baker Delph Herd CNZ Gabby Weimann Benteke To start with for me if possible, though as Herd had a protective boot on only last Saturday I would play Bennett at LB with Baker alongside Ron, pushing Ciaran into MF. Ciaran is a midfielder being asked to play in DF and will make a good CDM a la Barry in time, maybe that time could start this Tuesday.
  19. LancsVillan


    Looking to go to Italy for the first time this year and we are looking specifically at the Lake Garda area. Reading online the SE area seems best as it offers good cycling too, but before any decisions are made we thought it an idea to ask the well travelled users of my favourite site. So over to you lot.....
  20. Give it a miss again next year as struggle to get on around gametime meaning miss dropped /rested players. It wss all about 'winning' league for me as playoff run in always cocks up final gamed it seems
  21. Lost due to weakened teams final week... Great!
  22. Hmm HT and Tony Gonzalez ain't had a touch...
  23. Promising half that. Good to see the young lads not getting kicked around like so many of Stokes opponents, there seems to be a real togetherness out there.
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