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a m ole

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Everything posted by a m ole

  1. This is the guy that's going to destroy this league, apparently. In one way or another, at least.
  2. that's the perfect line up considering all circumstances. Shame O'Hare isn't in the squad but it's nitpicking.
  3. the world cup I desperately hope they go down with Hernandez scoring loads for my fantasy team.
  4. of course, but he seems a principled man. Chose to stay with Monk when under pressure when offered the Brentford no 1 position. He might see Oxford as a better place to develop as a manager and feel like he's earned a big job.
  5. very interesting that Clotet and Xia have followed each other, would he leave Oxford after only a few games though?
  6. I've always been slightly miffed that the word word removed is changed to word removed but the word words removed is removed and replaced with words removed, when there is only one word in words removed. Shouldn't it be word removed's?
  7. I refuse to believe this isn't a deleted scene from The Day Today.
  8. Defending Sterling for the yellow is pathetic. (seen Crooks and Shearer do so this evening) The rules are clear, and you can see from the aftermath why those rules are in place. Going into those fans cause chaos for the stewards and police and he was righty cautioned for it.
  9. 26. Liverpool stunted his growth as a player massively.
  10. Did they draw Liverpool in the Europa league by accident?
  11. awful ref, ok result, shit game. Bree was a positive.
  12. I would like us to win the game if that's too much to ask
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