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a m ole

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Everything posted by a m ole

  1. To be fair, someone has to be doing it for there to be a sign up, so I think the patronising tone is warranted. We have the same at work for pissing on the toilet seat and throwing chewing gum in the urinal. These animals need to be stopped.
  2. Ah you missed out the red and green part! It sounded like it was two different sets of black writing on white background. Consider this conversation pointless
  3. I know I suspect you're fully aware of what the optician meant and are being pedantic for the fun of it haha
  4. 0 0 0 100 has absolutely no colour value in it! If you're referring to the definition of black being the absence of light or total light absorption, then the question still makes sense as she's asking which is appearing to reflect less light...
  5. which has more contrast to the background colour.
  6. I'd shit myself if he tweeted a pic of a wet sponge
  7. on calls for Jaap Stam, Reading were really poor last night. It was like us under Lambert after he visited Germany and had his footballing epiphany. Nothing passes between the back 4, slow build up and no penetration. Unfortunately we gave them easy chances due to us being more insipid then they.
  8. Conor deserves that, he's been alright tonight.
  9. Onomah off for Adomah... a like for like substitution
  10. 25 mins left to revolutionise the footballing ethos of the entire club. Samba at no 10 please
  11. disgusting. absolutely disgusting. how to lose a football match 101
  12. either increasing conductivity between the electric chair and the head, or to give you a nice sponge bath. one of the two
  13. This countdown to the second half is like watching a prison guard walk towards your cell on death row with a ring of keys and a damp sponge
  14. looks like a cock and balls pointed at our own goal
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