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Everything posted by shaggy

  1. Which has nothing to do with the original point of debate.
  2. When you can't prove your point with any relevant evidence so bye.
  3. Em, Moyes managed in the Premiership while the comparison used for Lambert was promotion from the Championship and many managers have done that. It still comes nowhere near in substantiating the poster's point.
  4. Actually I'm right on the point matey it's just that you have difficulty substantiating your points when engaged.
  5. He is better than what he has achieved here? I'd like to know what you are basing this on since you have recently asked others to provide evidence to prove what they say? Taking a Norwich side that was smashed 7-1 in their first game of the season and getting them promoted. Then stabilizing that Norwich team in the PL playing attractive attacking football in the process. Is that OK for you? You point was that he is better than what he has achieved here and I asked you to provide evidence of that. He has had Norwich and ourselves in similar positions in the Premiership despite having better players to choose from and more finance with us so how is that proving your point?
  6. He is better than what he has achieved here? I'd like to know what you are basing this on since you have recently asked others to provide evidence to prove what they say?
  7. It has been results that have formed those records and I'm sure that if those records would have been more positive you and others would have continued to use them in Lambert's defence.
  8. Huh? They were suspended after the Palace game, that makes no sense. Whilst things haven't gone well on and off the pitch for the last 5 games especially, he has done a valuable job in getting the club ready for a takeover for Lerner, whilst keeping us hopefully in the Premier League. I wouldn't begrudge him getting first dig with the new owners, unless we're talking crazy money that requires the real top, top managers. We aren't going to attract top top managers though. The top managers won't see the attraction of the job and money won't be enough to attract them. I think you will be pleasantly surprised if the right investment is made available.
  9. Secure our Premiership status and if and when new owners come in, depending upon who they are, they will want a higher profile and better manager than Paul Lambert. I don't see the point in keeping Lambert for another season. His result record has been dreadful. His style of football has been dreadful with no sign of it improvement over two seasons and despite the signing of Benteke and Vlaar his record in the transfer market has been awful with another total revamp of the squad needed if we are to improve beyond the Mcleish and Lambert era. I don't want any remnants of the Lerner era at our club so as to be reminded of the succession of dreadful managerial appointments he has presided over. I want a fresh start but this time a transitional period with the right owner who employs the right manager with the right players and the right system to play the type of football we all want to see again at the Villa and that for me is the bigger picture we all should be looking for.
  10. The bigger picture again. How long do you suppose we wait to see an improvement. 1, 2, 3 seasons more and at what point will you say enough is enough?
  11. Ugh. Imagine a blowjob with those choppers What's ya doing there with your right hand base?
  12. The evidence is there via youtube. Another poster has already quoted the video. Yes there was two polls. One on H&V and the other one quoted above.
  13. More to come on this unfortunately I hope this is all bollocks and we are not the club involved.
  14. I agree it can't be solely blamed on Lambert but he has to take ultimate responsibility for a team. When you're paying a manager approx. £2m a year and his team can't get one shot on target for 60 minutes of football (after 4 defeats on the bounce) you have to question his ability. 86% of Villa fans agree it's time for him to go. His salary is about on par with the rest of the league....shots on target are not solely his responsibility if the strikers can't hit a barn door that's not ultimately his fault at all. You mean 86% of people on one villa internet forum with less than 500 responses want Lambert out. Its already been explained why that poll is meaniness. Eh, you are conveniently forgetting a second poll and the question I asked you concerning the fans reaction at the Palace game which you failed to answer.
  15. The most worrying aspect for me yesterday as Markavfc has already alluded to was our lack of urgency from the start. You would have thought after the week the club has just had the players would have come out with fire in their bellies with blood sweat and tears to get the win we so badly needed and make no mistake about it Southampton were there for the taking with their better players having one eye on the World Cup. I can understand that the players were nervous but they weren't exactly busting a gut for the cause and it was hard to distinguish who had the end of season syndrome between both teams. I expected our players to be highly motivated especially with the excuse of Culverhouse out of the way. Wasn't this the reason given for many of our inept displays this season and last that Culverhouse was bullying players and using poor training methods? Yet even with a new coaching team and our manager apparently having a more hands on attitude in training where was the difference in attitude and playing style of the players? It must have been left on the training pitch because what I saw yesterday was synonymous of the past two seasons under Lambert. We've listened to all the reasoning behind our poor form over the last two seasons but none of it would excuse a lack of motivation in the team and under the circumstances yesterday that was inexcusable. At the end of the season he has to go to allow this club to move forward on and off the pitch.
  16. With someone like Petrov in the middle we would undoubtably be better but top 6-7 better, no. We would need another decent wing back to go along with Bertrand and another quality CB. Okore might be that player. Our midfield needs to be completely restructured due to either a lack of funding or poor decisions in the transfer market by the manager. Gabby or Weimann aren't consistent enough at Premiership level so we will need someone to play up alongside Benteke and at least one wide player who is better than Albrighton. Going to take more than Lerner is prepared to spend and a better manager to choose the right players for a less stagnant system than we are playing now. Big,big changes are needed to get back where we all want this club to be.
  17. Gabby has been poor for a while now and to say that he was excellent today is an insult to anyone's intelligence. Just leave it alone especially when he wasn't prompted to mention Gabby and focus on the point gained as the performance was shite again.
  18. Has just said that Gabby was excellent today. What the **** is he on.
  19. This has been one lucky, lucky week for Lambert. Pressure growing on his position at our club then we had Culvergate to deflect the attention away from that. Two chances missed by his name sake and a penalty claim denied when we would have raised the roof if denied to us. He will make it to the end of the season and hopefully that will be that.
  20. One point closer to safety but another poor performance in a season of many and I hope Lambert gets his P45 at the end of the season.
  21. Wasting your time mate with that. Not accepted on here unless a poll is taken at Villa Park.
  22. Lucky duck. Which finish did you get? Can you post some photos preferably shot with the m8 camera? What deal did you get?
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