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Everything posted by shaggy

  1. Things are already bad enough without our own manager scoring against us.
  2. I would hope that we didn't sign him due to his form and ability with Wigan.
  3. I'm in no doubt that in the case of the manager he will get the sympathy vote but that may quickly diminish if the saints score first.
  4. No mention of his experience affecting other players either. Maybe they needed to source VT for that.
  5. Maybe we have already got rid of the Villa manager in Culverhouse and got ourselves a new one in Cowans.
  6. So we ignore the opinion of the away fans because they are the away fans yet they will be the home fans on Saturday and we don't ignore the away fans opinion when they don't call for Lambert's head and cheer the team. We do though, ignore the opinion of Villa fans on a forum until they too praise the team instead of using valid criticism.
  7. https://www.secure-mobiles.com/checkout/checkout.php?buy=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 Available now.
  8. Excellent straw man. That's rather a bizarre comment. Where has anyone said that? Nice side step both of you but the question remains. The poster stated there was no evidence to suggest that the majority of fans want Lambert out. If you are not prepared to accept a poll on a Villa fan's forum which is conclusive then what was the away support at the Palace game chanting? Was it lambert in, or out? Pongo you have already stated in a previous post that you would listen to a poll conducted at a Villa game......so? There's nothing wrong with 'sidestepping' a pointless, stupid question. Your response could also be said to anyone who tried to reason with the woman who said "If God isn't real, why is there a sunset?" Don't remember the crowd reaction at the Bolton game being dismissed so easily concerning Mcleish or is that also a pointless, stupid question as well?
  9. I wish people would take this with a large dollop of caution. Nothing has been confirmed and I won't need a nappy until I hear from the club at the end of the season if we're still in the Premiership.
  10. The new manager will have an easier time with the same constraints, due to the fact that there will be no big loss on players shipped out. For example Bennett: Bought for a fee of 2.75 mill pounds (according to Daily Mail). After two years his book value is now 1.375 mill. He has been the biggest flop, but can easily be sold at a price over 1,375, thus with a booked profit after the depreciation. This means that the new manager (or Lambert if he stays) will have an easier time balancing the books on player purchases toward player sales + depreciation. This will also give Lambert an easier ride if he gets another season. Whan a club invest in players, it is important that the player have a sell on value that either is on par with or exceeds the book value. Then the new investments can continue. Aston Villa is there now. Good points but ultimately with another 40plus million spent we are no better a team than we were with Mcleish and that will be Lambert's legacy if he leaves at the end of the season.
  11. The same constraints maybe but there's nothing to say that a new manager wouldn't do better within those constraints so that's no reason to keep Lambert at the club when his record has been so poor.
  12. Excellent straw man. That's rather a bizarre comment. Where has anyone said that?Nice side step both of you but the question remains. The poster stated there was no evidence to suggest that the majority of fans want Lambert out. If you are not prepared to accept a poll on a Villa fan's forum which is conclusive then what was the away support at the Palace game chanting? Was it lambert in, or out? Pongo you have already stated in a previous post that you would listen to a poll conducted at a Villa game......so?
  13. So that aside then you feel the away support at the Palace game were chanting Lambert in?
  14. I'm fully aware of why you posted the link. If you think that can be considered 'evidence' of the feelings of all Villa fans then you're perfectly entitled that opinion. Nowhere have I said, or implied, that you aren't allowed that opinion or that you shouldn't express it. However I'm entitled to disagree, which I do, and I stated, quite reasonably, why I disagreed. The question was asked to provide evidence which I have done by using a poll on a fans forum and our away support at the Palace game. If you can't accept that as evidence then that's your problem as you have proven to be wrong.
  15. Maybe you might be having a little trouble with the meaning of evidence.
  16. The poster asked for evidence to suggest that the majority wanted Lambert out. I gave him evidence to suggest as such or do you want me to quote the youtube video at the Palace game? Maybe that too wouldn't be suitable?
  17. Who cost 8m when Blackburn bought him and has banged in tonnes of goals since? With the sale of Agbonlahor how much do you think we would have to pay on top of that which was my point.
  18. Ah sorry. My mistake for thinking that one way of gaging opinion on a villa topic would be to quote a poll from Villa fans. In future I'll just quote something pro Lambert to appease you.
  19. It's a real shame you ruined a potentially solid and well-reasoned argument with the childish bolded words. I'd also contest your statement that the majority of fans want Lambert out. Where is your evidence for this? This is certainly not my experience. http://www.heroesandvillains.info/forumv3/index.php?topic=51442.4710 Graph at top of page. We should do a poll here as well.
  20. Anyone get the Xperia Z2 mobile phone? Would be interested in any feedback.
  21. Yep and he now does need increased financial support for that He isn't going to get that financial support before the end of the season though. What i meant was that he has to get the team playing better NOW.
  22. We will have Kozak available by the start of next season with Benteke available later so why spend more on yet another striker. If we are going to keep Bertrand then it will probably take 6m to get him plus we again need quality reinforcements in midfield so hopefully that link is utter bullshit. However if we a going for a striker I'd sell Gabby and replace him with Jordan Rhodes.
  23. I would hope that Cowans would replace Lambert.
  24. I wouldn't condone booing any of our players but you can understand why this happened for a number of reasons.
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