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Everything posted by RichiBoi11

  1. As great as this would be the article is just quoting a link in The Sun, so in reality there's more likelihood of Maddie appearing alive and well
  2. This is exactly why I don't understand people turning their noses up at the links to players like McCarthy. A few solid, unspectacular players who have been in the league for years could have a massive effect on the team, not necessarily because of their performances, but because they can improve the base level of the squad, and provide a platform for the more expensive signings to flourish. I know if we were up against it in a game and needed to bring a player on to shore things up I'd be much more comfortable with the likes of McCarthy coming on than Lansbury or even Nakamba.
  3. 100% Okore would have made it if not for the injuries. If we can unearth players of his potential without them being crippled I would be delighted
  4. If you don't ask you dont get. Might as well have the ambition to try and get him
  5. I appreciate what you're saying, but I don't think that means £30m wouldn't get us an excellent striker. It just means Newcastle and West Ham vastly overestimated said players abilities. Hopefully the new director is someone who knows a genuine £30m player when he sees them, rather than Suso who'd probably spend that on a dud from Chinese Football.
  6. It'll be interesting to see what prices players go for this summer due to Covid and the effect on trading and revenue. Bournemouth have just accepted a bid of £41 million for Ake. I would have expected the fee for him to be higher, especially if City were the ones paying. Maybe there's a few bargains out there to be had. (Not that I'm saying £41 million qualifies as a bargain, but it could mean the market has lower fees than expected this summer)
  7. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11781/12003584/hearts-should-have-earned-millions-on-aaron-hickey-but-they-will-get-a-pittance-says-andy-walker
  8. Not sure he's the right choice, but we definitely need another centre back, and someone reliable and experienced would be ideal. He certainly wouldn't be my first choice but we could also do much worse.
  9. This is why I find it bizarre people are suggesting selling half the regular starters from this season. To progress we should be selling this seasons 'squad' players that were mainly 2nd choices (Taylor, Lansbury etc) and signing first choice players to push some of the current starters down to squad positions. Otherwise no matter how good the starting 11 is there's no plan b from the bench.
  10. It's no secret we lack pace, but I actually think a few smart signings who are rapid would also bring the best out of our existing players. It'd take a big outlay, but if we had a big powerful forward, with two dynamic and rapid wingers either side of him, you could then play Grealish (if he stays) or another CM with McGinn and Luiz and the attacking play could be frightening. When it's Samatta, Trezeguet and El Ghazy, the threat is severely nullified. All are capable on their day, but should be squad players at best.
  11. I agree, considering the size of some of our players it's actually shocking we aren't more of a threat from corners and free kicks. It definitely needs working on, and a dead ball specialist would be a good step in the right direction on that.
  12. The greatest player that was absolutely toilet for us has to be Robert Pires. Once one of the greatest midfielders in the world, but for us, a complete passenger.
  13. It's highly unlikely Fraser would join us. He's leaving Bournemouth because he wants to push on in his career. I know we as fans would argue Villa are a bigger club than Bournemouth and a step up, but the fact is currently we are below them in the table after three years in the Championship. I just don't see a player like Fraser wanting to join us at this stage in the rebuild. Benrahma on the other hand could be a real possibility if Brentford were to stay in the championship.
  14. The clubs would also need to agree. Many may have allocated wage budgets based on the fact that the loan deals or expired contracts won't be paid after June. Just unilaterally extending all contracts until the season ends could actually damage clubs rather than help them, especially as we currently have no idea how long those extensions would need to be for.
  15. Currently the leagues stance is that unregistered players can't be reregistered to play, but that is a massive grey area people will very much argue. What if for example these remaining games are played, but they're after June? Heaton was unregistered to allow a spot for Reina, but Reina could theoretically be back at Milan by the time the league resumes, so not allowing us to then register Heaton would put us at a huge disadvantage and as a result damage the integrity of the competition. It all depends on if the games can be completed before the end of June. If not then issues like this will get very messy.
  16. I don't think it can be all of the clubs, when West Ham and Spurs both suggested voiding the season at last weeks meeting. Would be a pretty big U Turn from them to suddenly say 'let's finish the season'
  17. This is almost as generous as we've been on the pitch!
  18. At the rate it's escalating I think those games would be a big IF. I think if the virus spreads as expected those games won't be going ahead either. We are well and truly in uncharted waters here.
  19. If this league does end up voided it'll be interesting to see what happens regarding prize money, lost revenue from unplayed games etc. Considering FFP is such a big thing, there would surely be some allowance for this. I wonder how it would effect our spending ability, considering we need multiple quality additions to the squad to help Jack if he does stay.
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